Married Couple Plays Agree to Disagree!

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My husband also said that he would probably stay with me even if i cheated on him. I asked him not to be so stupid. He deserves much better than to be with someone who betrayed him. Cheating is a really disgusting thing. Try to solve the problems, or if it doesn't work, get a divorce, but don't humiliate the other person!


I disagree with the soulmates' questions. It's not about compatability but about loving someone so deeply that it touches both of your souls. I've unfortunately lost mine, and I can tell you it is real. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her. That love is definitely different. I could be wrong but I doubt it. I love your videos. You guys are so relatable. God bless your growing family. ❤


Matt talking about not wishing things were better, but waking up everyday and being grateful for what you have… I needed that reminder today. Thank you 🩷


They are possibly the most honest and practical couple i have observed on the internet. They show us the real picture of a relationship instead of painting an illusion in our minds. Thanks for keeping it real Matt and Abby. Kudos to you guys. ❤❤❤


Heard some advice said before and wished I knew about it in the early years of my marriage. Do not discuss hard things after 8 PM and before 8 AM. People are usually tired after and before those times. Things can escalate quickly and people may not always be in the right frame of mind when tired. Words may get said that are not meant. Been following this rule with my husband for awhile now and it has helped so much!


Honesty is rly so refreshing ..actually displays a high level of maturity to answer difficult, private questions like these. And here’s the thing, it’s not just for entertainment purposes the way I see it- it’s genuinely helpful for other couples/ ppl to feel less alone. I don’t like the term ‘influencer’ but in the sense that they’re able to have influence over a large audience through their platform, I think it is wise and rly wonderful to discuss more difficult / awkward / vulnerable topics like these!! Thanks to you Matt and Abby! I’m in a longterm relationship and struggle with clinical anxiety issues and you honestly rly made me just feel better about some of the things I’ve discussed with my partner or thought about myself such as soulmates and other subjects. I liked hearing both of your perspectives on these things! It was beyond valuable to me and put my mind more at ease :) 👍


It’s so obvious that this is exactly how they’d talk about it without a camera and I love that❤


No one should ever put up with someone who cheats on them... its unacceptable no matter the circumstance


Trust me.. if one of u cheated .. you wouldn't be able to stay together without serious serious counseling and still might end up breaking up.. trust me.. love isnt enough to stay together sometimes..


00:45 - White lies are okay in a relationship?
1:39 - I've considered adoption?
2:25 - My partner is the jealous one in the relationship?
3:36 it's okay to be friends with your ex?
4:25 - It's okay to take trips alone even though we're married
5:10 - If today we met, would you ask each other out?
6:18 - You would still be with me if I cheated?
7:35 - If we got pregnant right now, I would be excited
8:37 - I think going through your partners phone without asking is okay
9:05 - Breaks in a relationship are a good idea
10:05 - Spending your whole life with someone is overwhelming
11:18 - Abbie wears the pants?
12:05 - Soulmates are real
13:06 - Marriage is hard
13:48 - Friendship breakups are harder than relationship ones?
19:10 - I have considered cheating?


Man if my husband said he’s wondered what it would be like to be with someone else I’d be heartbroken 😭


That soulmates conversation was so good, especially about the perspective of gratitude - so good! ❤


I feel like im third wheeling them lmao

also i love how they show the reality of marriage it makes me so happy and i cant wait to have that too


Compatibility is fluid. You may be incredibly compatible with a person in one moment, but life circumstances will mold both of you into different shapes. It takes work to retain the compatibility through all the changes. Your soulmates are the people with whom you mold together.


The music was overpowering their voices and it was a little distrating. Maybe having the music more faint would be better.
Besides that, i love you guys. Always look forward to your videos.


How could you ever stay with someone that cheated on you?!! No way!!


I absolutely love the soul mate question and their answer for that. They look at things in such a mature nature. It’s amazing. No one is going to like someone all the time but knowing you have a partner that’s willing to stick by the decision you both made and looking at it from a positive sense instead of thinking what you could have be thankful for what you already have. Amazing answer!!!❤❤❤


Anybody else think Abby has become more beautiful through the years? You guys are paired so well.❤


This is very interesting! Like this definitely shows how you guys are open minded when it comes to discussing about couple-related topics. Great video! ❤❤❤


Hot take- being soulmates isn’t about compatibility & doesn’t necessarily have to be a partner. Could be a friend, parent, sibling, even animals. You feel a soul bond, an unmatched unconditional love. I also believe that you can have more than one soulmate.
