Stars of 'Out of My Mind' talk new film

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Phoebe-Rae Taylor and Rosemarie Dewitt discuss their roles in the new coming-of-age drama based on the 2010 novel of the same name by Sharon M. Draper.

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Just finished the film. You will cry. Words cannot explain how much it makes you feel, and it really teaches you some very important life lessons.


I cried when I saw this trailer. I’ve never seen a movie with a girl with CP at the center. I felt so seen.


😢 this movie makes me cry. Even the book does too, but I’m so excited to see you on the movie. My teacher read the book to us and I really like it.


As a young adult with cp this movie would have helped me out so much as a kid and a teenager. I have never watched anything that was so relatable. It didn't focus on the caregivers but they actually focused on the person with the disability.


I can’t wait to see this movie. I’ve had Cerebral Palsy since birth and I’ll be 29 in January. Doctors told my mom when I was born that I would never walk, ride a bike, or swim. I can do all three. I was told by my doctor that I would most likely need hand controls to drive, if I would be able to do so. I got my license in December last year, got my first car in September of this year. At the same time I’m saying all of this I want you guys to know it’s not to gloat. I’ve had this condition my whole life so I know what is the same. That’s the CP. At the same time it may be “The Same” I do know what is different. That’s the fact that against what all my doctors have said over the years. The difference is that I have defeated EVERY SINGLE ODD that has been thrown at me. My mom taught us siblings growing up that what the Doctors say and diagnose you with is a LIE. Because at the end of the day, GOD has the final say! Like I said. I don’t say these things to gloat but you are stronger than anything that the world puts on you! And you are better that any WORD anyone says about you! I watched the Trailer and this interview and it made me want to cry. Just being able to relate to someone like this is amazing. Even though we may have a physical Disability we shouldn’t be looked at as any different than anyone else. I grew up in a family full of children with Disabilities that parents didn’t want. I myself am adopted and so is my little brother who had Down syndrome and Autism alike. It’s a shame that today’s world acts like they don’t know what a child with a disability is. It’s like we are ostracized but we SHOULDN’T BE. I’ve been a Level one Security Officer in New Mexico for almost 5 years. I started in Arizona. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I am actually genuinely thinking about making the transition to Armed and then becoming a Police Officer later on. Ya’ll we can do ANYTHING we set our minds to! You just have to believe it. Don’t let these people tell you what you CAN and CANT DO. Because it’s not true!!


I’m so excited for this film! As an adult with Cerebral Palsy I wish there was a film like this when I was a kid.

I would love to share my children’s book All About Me and Cerebral Palsy with GMA, in hopes to bring more representation for people with disabilities and CP in particular!!!


i loved this book so much as a child, i’m 22 now and cannot wait for the movie!


Congrats Ms. Rosemary and Phoebe❤ I also have cerebral palsy and can relate. Especially when some ppl talk to us like we're babies😂 like we don't understand.


Words will never express how moving this movie was. I cried every minute


Thank you for making this film! Phoebe is an amazing actress!


I cried so many times watching this. The acting. The script. The message. The best film that I’ve seen in a while! ❤❤


Go Phoebe!!!! You’re going universal!!! 🙌💕


I remember reading this book as a kiddo. I don’t have Cerebral Palsy but I’m autistic and there were a lot of moments I connected with. Excited to see this movie


I nearly fell off my bed when i heard Phoebe-rae is from good old Billericay, , , england... hats off to you, cant wait to see the film. I hope they make the other 2 books into films too, , good luck for your future, , , ITS BRIGHT.


"there is always Hate and Bully when u good at something not because ur fragile or ugly. U ARE SPECIAL!" -my dad words. RIP dad!


I just watched this today like many of you, and similar to the charcter “Melody” I’m getting a piece of technology tommorow that will change my life. For several years I have been pushed around in an adult stroller because insurance woudn’t cover my powerchair… and after all these years my independence is just around the corner ❤


Phoebe is awesome for being in a film.


Amazing movie! I loved it so much! As someone born with cerebral palsy, I really love the authenticity of this movie 10 out of 10 loved every minute of it.


For a person who doesn’t speak in the movie and has a disability she speaks good


Absolutely amazing job on the movie! I was concerned it wouldn't be true to the book, but it stayed true. I watched it with my 12 year old daughter who guessed that the ending would be "everything ends happily ever after" as many Disney movies end. However, she and I both enjoyed the authenticity of struggles that aren't resolved by the end of the book, and the raw honesty about what life is like for a teenager with CP. As a teacher, I also enjoyed seeing Melody integrating with her peers, but was frustrated by the lack of empathy both they and her teacher showed her. That's some honest editing. Kids can be cruel. Teachers can sometimes overlook the child as they focus only on the disability.
