flashforge adventurer 5M PRO....bambu you have company! @flashforge3d

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I have the standard 5M snagged it on sale for $300 and it is absolutely the workhorse in my operation now hasn't let me down yet, reliable, great print quality and FAST even when printing TPU.. the OrcaSlicer standard profiles for it are spot on too


Yep I have the 5m pro and the 5m both flawless prints everytime.


I like mine well enough(5m pro). Nozzles are pricy with the hotend being included. The hotswap is nice. The .6 prints well, so does the .8(which the right slicer tuning). I use mine with ASA, ABS, and PA mostly, it prints them rather clean. Few gripes, wish the extruder was all metal. Also wish you could reverse extrude to clear your filament instead of cutting and feeding the new one in after during an extrude. Wifi is meh on it, connectivity through anything but their slicer isn't great(Orca's newest update being the exception, it's fixed thanks to the Orca community). Bed will only manually stay on for 10 minutes before it cuts itself off. The overhead LED is okayish. Camera is decent.

Overall though, prints fast, prints clean. It's great value for the pricepoint. The flaws are minor gripes that don't impact performance. Solid 8.5/10.
