FCB Basketball Tutorial - Folge 9: Freiwurf feat. Steffen Hamann

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In der 9. Folge unserer Tutorial-Reihe dreht sich alles um den Freiwurf. Steffen Hamann zeigt euch die richtige Freiwurf Technik und wie man dem mentalen Druck standhält. Alec und Lenny aus unserem JBBL-Team unterstützen den ehemalige Kapitän des FC Bayern Basketball dabei.
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In this tutorial Steffen Hamann shows you how the perfect free throw technique and how to handle the mental stress situation. The former captain of FCBB is helped by Alec and Lenny from out NBBL squad.
You have any questions or ideas? Just put them in the comments!
All News, Videos & Highlights:
Ihr habt Fragen oder Anmerkungen? Ab damit in die Kommentare!
In this tutorial Steffen Hamann shows you how the perfect free throw technique and how to handle the mental stress situation. The former captain of FCBB is helped by Alec and Lenny from out NBBL squad.
You have any questions or ideas? Just put them in the comments!
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