faker and oner vs elyoya and nisqy #shorts
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MAD VS T1 - MSI 2023
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my other short if you are interested:
Quick facts about faker:
quick stat about jankos
quick stat about perkz
#leagueoflegends #lolesports #esports #lol #lolclips #msi #midseasoninvitational #mad #madlions #elyoya #mid #midlane #midlaner #faker #t1 #jungle #jungler #outplay #outplayed #clutch #annie #leesin #oner #khazix #2v2
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my other short if you are interested:
Quick facts about faker:
quick stat about jankos
quick stat about perkz
#leagueoflegends #lolesports #esports #lol #lolclips #msi #midseasoninvitational #mad #madlions #elyoya #mid #midlane #midlaner #faker #t1 #jungle #jungler #outplay #outplayed #clutch #annie #leesin #oner #khazix #2v2
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