Opus IV (Library Collection) by Amouage - Episode 36

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4/5 sprays for Opus IV of the Library Collection. Main notes on my skin are coriander, cardamom, cumin, a dash of rose, and frankincense. Imagine cooking with warm spices near a (camp)fire. Like it or not, you won't forget it!

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Warm and spicy! Campfire or maybe tailgating at the football games this fall! The sound effects are a great addition . When you hold the sampler up to the camera it looks like the cologne is green because you are wearing a green shirt! This episode was fun. I like it when you read the description from the booklet in the beginning to kind of introduce the review! Await #5 of this collection.


Just sprayed it on. Like this one. Might buy it.
Will people like it on me, don't care.
Rose hips are the berries/fruit/seed that grow on a rose bush.
Most people snip them off, for it helps the rose bush to bloom longer .


Opus 4 is the only sampler of the whole opus line i keep in my collection. I realy fell in love with this one. I smell the cap once in a while to remember myself to buy this a full bottle in the future. Sampler is empty btw😑


I had a sniff at Opus IV. I really like the first blast. Very citrusy. Longevity is good too.


Hey ben! Its been a long time. Got a full bottle of opus 4. Heard it got discontinued, so i've bought it asap!
Its still beastly performing. Going easy on the trigger. 3 sprays max. So happy to own it. Just wanted to let you know, how is your bottle of amouage Gold???
Are you using it every day? How much fluid is left?😉


Hello, my friend, I'm from Argentina. How does Opus 4 smell? It is elegant and on what occasion would you use it?


Fate man is soooo good. I'm a woman and I like wearing fate man.
