Ketones as brain energy rescue in Alzheimer's Disease - Stephen Cunnane, PhD

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Alzheimer's Disease has been called "Type 3 Diabetes," suggesting a causative role for insulin resistance and poor glucose utilization. Allowing the brain to use ketones for fuel (via ketosis) could correct the underlying mechanism and potentially improve symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease.

Stephen Cunnane, PhD, is a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Sherbrooke. Throughout his career, he has explored the link between nutrition, brain energy metabolism and cognitive functions during aging. In this talk, he discusses how ketones can improve brain energy usage and Alzheimer's symptoms.

This video was recorded at the first ever Metabolic Psychiatry roadmap retreat, hosted by Baszucki Group and the Milken Institute for Strategic Philanthropy in May, 2022 in Santa Barbara. The conference brought together physicians, neuroscientists, dieticians, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and philanthropists to build community in the emerging field of Metabolic Psychiatry.

About us:
Metabolic Mind™ is a nonprofit initiative incubated by Baszucki Group. Our mission over time will be to provide resources and build community in metabolic psychiatry.

Other resources for Metabolic Psychiatry, metabolic neuroscience and ketogenic metabolic therapy for mental disorders:

New Study: Serious Mental Illness Improves on Ketogenic Diet -

The Role of Ketogenic Metabolic Therapy on the Brain in Serious Mental Illness: A Review

What Is Metabolic Psychiatry? 5 Questions Answered by Dr. Shebani Sethi

BipolarCast: Keto + Bipolar youtube channel, Hosted by Matt Baszucki and Iain Campbell, PhD

Our channel is for informational purposes only. We are not providing individual or group medical or healthcare advice nor establishing a provider-patient relationship. Many of the interventions we discuss can have dramatic or potentially dangerous effects if done without proper supervision. Consult your healthcare provider before changing your lifestyle or medications.


Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for this research! I am 4+months into changing my diet to be fueled by ketones with an intention of mitigating AZ. This is very encouraging to me to stay with it.


It would seem that changing the diet to keto or carnivore could play a huge part in reversing this issue.


Oh, very nice to see new research to confirm what was emerging in the last few years!
Thank you very much!


Fascinating! As an RN with a close family member coping with Bi-Polar 2 and BPD, who has MS, I will be watching this closely. Thank you for this critical research and for sharing it with the public.


It's interesting that when fasting for several days, my mind seems very calm and balanced ... 🤔


I noticed that there was a relative high drop out rate from the study due to GI problems (from the oil). I noticed this myself, until I started making a super salad dressing of 1 tsp dijon mustard, 2 tsp apple cider vinegar and 2 tbsp MCT oil and a bit of salt and pepper. Fab taste, and no GI troubles.


Please share to social media cites when ever possible with a simple phrase...


Please have a discussion on keto 🥑🥓🥚🧀diet and intelligence for kids and learning


so 1. are ketones necessary for making myelin sheeth, and
2. are no ketones produced when not in ketosis ?


____Fast:: 16/8 eating window. Where you fast over night.
first meal can be at 12-2 pm and your last meal 6-8 pm.
____eat ONLY ANIMAL PRODUCTS and byproducts . Any animal preferably RED MEAT or ruminant meat. Beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey. Sausages, bacon, cold cuts, eggs, cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt etc and eat only what you are willing to tolerate.
4-6 __16 oz bottles of water.. Add a teaspoon of sea salt to one bottle and sip throughout the day.
___ for a snack when you feel like having something in your mouth you can eat cheese sticks, imitation crab meat, hard boiled eggs, beef jerky, fresh chicharron from Mexican store., plain yogurt..and ONLY if you tolerate and only so you don't snack on other things.
____ DO A PRIMING FOR 10-15 DAYS where you eat three meals a day ONLY the FAT, MEAT, SALT AND WATER. until you are stuffed and to recognize your hunger cues... and after those 10-15 days eat only twice a day.
Do it for 90 days and your body and brain heals and forever you will change your perception about what we learned about human nutrition. We are creatures and part of the natural environment.
#WhyWeGetSick #DrBenBikman
#insulinIQ #CharlieFoundation
#metabolickMind #metaboliclink
#adaptyourlife #GAPSdiet
#DrDaleBrenesen #dimentia #DrDonaldLayman #protein
Fatty meat is the raw material your liver uses to convert cholesterol to create the #collagen your body need at a 24/7 rate perpetually.
God bless your journey.❤❤
