I'm already PUMPED for this update! - Patch 3.24.2 Evocati Impressions and Thoughts

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3.24.2 Patch dropped for Evocati testers last night and these are my impressions and thoughts about what we are getting. I cannot show anything from the build as I am bound by an NDA. But I am allowed to talk about it. So, enjoy the video as I discuss what I saw in the update.

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0:00 Intro
0:31 Stability was the focus
2:13 New MFD and HUD updates
15:37 Master Modes Tunings and Ship Re-balancing
14:43 Turret Adjustments
19:33 Arena Commander Changes
20:51 Mobiglass Changes
22:42 FPS Weapon Changes
24:07 Big Audio Changes
27:09 Conclusions
27:45 Outro


System specs:
GPU: RTX 4090
Mem: 64gb DDR5
CPU: i9-13900k
Storage: Gen5 m.2

Dual Virpil Constellation Alpha Sticks
Virpil ACE Collection pedals

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There was a ton of other stuff I did not get around to covering such as the new radar altimeter, new character creator features such as tattoos, piercings and hairstyles. New updates to the skybox and overall changes to lighting and performance, new jump drives, and of course the Zeus. I'll be covering those in a subsequent update as we get them so be sure to sub and hit that bell if you want to stay informed!

Once again, thanks to XGR for the fun smooth landing practice sessions. If you have your own racing Discord community feel free to drop by our community Discord and get in touch as I love checking out the racing events being put out by the SC community, especially with the recent re-tuning of ships!


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See you all in the next one.


- 1 point for XGR for not using VTOLs 😂

Nice Infos - thanks for the insights 👍


CIG really need to make those landing pad lights flush in the pad. Who would even design lights for a landing pad that stick out and get crushed by landing gear and ramps etc? They're not even just at the edge of the pad too, they're right there on the main pad! Makes no sense that the people of the future would be any more stupid than people of today. 😂


With all the community drama there's one thing I love to see: People loving something, being excited and enjoying themselves. I wish we had more SC content like that. Tired of the pessimism, contention, & cynicism. These MFDs look cool, and will be a welcome feature.


I couldn't agree more that better audio needs to be recorded for the game to replace all the old sounds, especially stations imho.


Regarding the voice lines:
Yes, they need to do a major rework of them all. We have the same voice across all alien ships for one, and my personal favourite is the Anvil Quantum Fuel 25% warning is the Aegis voice. Good to see they recognise the superior manufacturer there ;)


I prefer HUD elements to the side. Instead of the horrible cluttered mess it used to be.

I want to see where I am going not be blinded.

I really disliked all the lines and boxes everywhere. I know some where supposed to visually represent speed as they spread out, while others just separated sections. But it was unnecessary.


I had to rewatch since I was paying more attention to the amazing pilots landing with such skill!!!


yeah.... but did they fix the breaker yard elevators


Normally I'm not into spoilers from Evocati, but I decided to peek, haha. Thanks for the interesting and informative video.


Man, I'm looking forward to those settings in the MFDs! Thanks Hybrid!


I hope the fps arent dropping to half anymore with turned on MFDs and F+WASD is working again!


24:50 God I hope the Gladius isn't now even worse the current Gladius is too painful for my ears for long term use, I get the need for a powerful sound effect from the outside but you'd think some of it would be muffled from the inside else your pilots would be suffering from hearing loss, its especially bad with afterburner. My sound setup is Beyerdynamic 990 Pro with a Sound BlasterX AE-5 Plus.


I don't understand why it is that the numerous and very capable developers at CIG love to break things and replace them with inferior systems. What was wrong with the power triangle? Did someone complain about it? It was simple to use and it worked. So now they yank it and give us bars on different screens that we have to fiddle with, to get what?
And the weapons groupings, oh, wow. We already had that, it was fine. If they wanted to specifically designate laser and ballistic, the current two mouse button system can do that, no problem. Where is the ability to shut down weapons? As in, turn them off completely, like they're not installed. That gives you real options, with power distribution and ammo reload times. Where is that feature? Oh but it all looks so pretty! It doesn't look so pretty after a server error, when nothing is selectable, and you're screwed.


Not happy about the power distribution change at all, right now i can easily change it around with one of my mini sticks on my left joystick, 1 step forward two steps back as usual.


I have always struggled to read the hud information. Just felt that it is not bold enough. So I am quite looking forward to the new locations for that information lower down, as even though it is now not as centered, I think it may be easier to find and read still


The visuals gave me nostalgia. My parents were pilots and I spent many hours in the back of the plane while they did touch-and-gos like this to practice landing.


Hello. Why don’t you make a joystick and throttle key binding video for PvP . This would be awesome for us newcomers.


Did they re-add auto-gimbaling to pilot-operated turrets? Like the nose turrets on the MSR, Spirit, etc?


I wish we had runways on planets to land on for ships like the avenger that can land like a real plane... also you can tell the people making the NEW MFDs and MM have never flown a airplane let alone a sim.
