Oh WRETCHED man that I am! Romans 7:13-25

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The brutal honesty of the Bible, as it pertains to the sinful condition we find ourselves in, turns out to be very comforting.
May you find the hope and freedom that starts with a real honest evaluation of self and ends with Jesus Christ as your deliverer!
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My goodness, Paul really spoke my heart it's amazing. I hate what I do, and what I want to do, I dont do! How wretched I am indeed. Jesus is my only hope. He's really our only hope


I remember reading about a serial killer, who would do absolutely horrific things to his victims before murdering them. At the end of the article, it said (quite plain and simple) 'and three days before his death in prison, he converted to Christianity'. Jesus really challenged me then and there, because my initial instinct was disgust. How could Jesus save such a horrible person! Surely he didn't *really* become a Christian! Almost immediately, I was convicted of my own pride. How I think myself higher because I only commit little sins... but I am just as wretched as that serial killer.

But praise God that He died so that I, yes even I, can be renewed!

"My sin, Oh the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part, but the whole.
Is nailed to His cross, and I bare it no more!
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, Oh my soul!"


oh, wretched man that i am!😢😢 i thank you Jesus for all youve done🙏🏻


thank you pastor.after hearing your teaching.i wept and know how sinful i am even though i hate it.i dont want to sin but i still do.i want to do whats right and good and pleasing to God and i want to love all ppl.i hate sin.your teaching touched my heart.thank you again.God bless you


Hi Mike. I randomly came across your channel very recently and have listened/watched your videos continously because of your authentic presentation of the bible. Thank you for the encouraging, thought-provoking and truthful messages and analysis of God's word.


Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!!


Really good teaching. I was walking with the Lord and then I fell into an old familiar sin. I detest it and I know its disgusting but I did it anyway. I so want freedom from sin. I know it is a part of sanctification but I still find it so heavy.


A+ . Ive been on the Lord's path for 2 years now. I recently watched a video of me from 3 years ago. Broke my heart watching me . Oh wretched me . The sorrow and shame i felt because of who i was and the joy and gratefulness i feel for the grace and salvation Yahusha offered me . Thank you heavenly father, thank you Lord for your spirit and grace upon me.


This was great explaining of these scriptures. Praise the Lord!


This is particularly telling for me as I accepted Christ in my youth (10). My sin-O-meter has redlined exponentially in the intervening 37 years. I am saved, but have disappointed my Savior.


Personally, I recognized my wretchedness and that is what led me to see my need and put my faith in Christ.


I recall probably 7 or 8 years after coming to know Christ, I came across a little booklet titled “But How…(to perform, I find not)” based on Romans 7. I still recall where I was the moment the “lightbulb” went off in my soul and I realized, I am supposed to learn THAT I CAN’T DO IT. That all my righteousness is STILL as filthy rags. I can tell you, it was a holy moment that I will never forget. I’ve now been a Christian 53 years, and He is still teaching me the depth and beauty of His ingenious plan to live IN us, His people. BTW, for anyone interested, I highly recommend reading the biography of missionary Hudson Taylor. You will learn how he discovered this truth and what it meant as he ministered in the China Inland Mission.


Thankful for this message of encouragement thank you


Yes, super comforting! This is what I felt as I read this last night and really brought me to tears my goodness.
How can God know our hearts, our emotions so ? Obviously because He is the I AM.


Just wanted to say a massive thank you for all your videos. Thank you for not watering down the message of the gospel! Please keep doing what you’re doing. You are inspiring us to strive daily to be like Christ in our obedience of the word!


Thanks Pastor Mike. You were good and I agree with many of the comments of people who are for you and those who criticize you. I still believe that I am not free from my sinful nature but each day I acknowledge my sin and repent. Jesus knows how to save us. The Holy Spirit prays for us who believe. Even the disciple Peter in 2 Peter 3:16 realizes that Paul was hard to understand.


8:15 I have been going through so many health issues in the past almost 5 years that have allowed me to be an influence in a positive way in the medical field and also shaking them up with their thinking Hebrews 4:12 so HE is using all this for good Romans 8:28 and making me into an overcomer at the same time. Revelation 3:21
Praise HIS Holy NAME.


Romans 7 is me too. We can all relate to Paul in this scripture. Ive lost count of the times when I really have not liked myself. I was just thinking of Amazing Grace as you said it Mike. My favourite hymn. They are simple words and yet they hold so much power in them. I cant help being moved to tears whenever I hear it. Thanks.


I took so much heart in this study, Mike, thank you. I am wretched, yet I am saved - our God is awesome!


This was so, so good. An answer to prayer. Thank you.
