How to Be Heard When You are Interrupted | Stop People from Interrupting You

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How to Be Heard When You are Interrupted | Stop People from Interrupting You // Isn’t it frustrating when you’re trying to make a point, and someone constantly interrupts you? In this video, I share 4 tips to deal with interruptions – what to say and DO the next time you’re interrupted by someone.

You deserve to be heard, my friend. That means you’ll need to learn tactful ways to stop someone from constantly interrupting you.
Get ready to handle interruptions LIKE A PRO so that you and your message get heard.


Here’s a breakdown of the video:

I’ve broken down interruptions into 4 different categories based on how mild or aggressive they are.

▶ 1. Well-intentioned interruptions:

This is where someone who wants to support you or is excited about your idea interrupts you. Your best bet is to acknowledge their point and them continue speaking. You can tell a well-intentioned interruption form the tone of interrupter.

▶ 2. Focus-shifting interruptions:

This is where the interrupter completely changes the topic. You know that if you let them have their way, you’re going to lose control of your message. Here, you will need to intervene and take back all the control of your message and address their comments later on.

▶ 3. Counterproductive interruptions:

Have you been in a meeting where everyone just talks over each other and NO WORK is being done? Yep. Those interruptions can be massively counterproductive. If you already know that a few people tend to interrupt n your meetings, you need to set expectations early on. Establish that you plan to

▶ 4. Chronic interruptions:

Yep, these interruptions are aggressive and borderline on bullying. If you find yourself being chronically interrupted, you will need to have a conversation. At first, initiative a group conversation where the whole team can discuss effective communication skills. If that doesn’t help, have a private conversation.


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It can be frustrating when you're constantly interrupted. But remember, you can take control of your message. Which type of interruption do you typically experience? Let me know below. 👇🏼


This was good info but you totally gave it from the perspective of a work situation.i have the problem with friends & relatives - so I need help from that perspective - not from problems with coworkers.


I simply end the conversation when someone interrupts me. I hang up, walk away, etc...I don't allow anything to slide. If someone asks me why I ended the conversation, then I tell them why I ended it. Interrupting someone or talking over them is RUDE AS HELL & people know that. People KNOW it's rude & do it INTENTIONALLY because all they care about is saying what they want to say & that's it. For me, interrupting is a deal breaker & I refuse to interact with someone who has interrupted me. I have actually cut ties with people for interrupting me because by interrupting me they are intentionally showing me that they really don't care about what I was saying and or don't want my voice to be heard. They are doing it on purpose to bully me or dominate the conversation & I refuse to put up with it.


This was an amazing video! My coworker bulldozes over me conversationally every day, and I have finally figured out what I am going to do. Your video was edited really well also. :) Thank you!


Literally everyone in my life interrupts me. Or when I'm talking they just start talking to someone else it drives me fuckin nuts


"--YOU INTERRUPTED ME - everyone, let's talk about this interruption - come on! AHH"


Usually find saying ‘if i could find enough wood i could board your mouth’ is quite effective.


That was a wonderful video. People don’t realize how it makes the other person feel when they interrupt them. It really can make the other person feel like what they’re saying is interesting, or even make them feel inferior like you said. Thank you for reminding people that they deserve to be heard.


Ive noticed a pattern with one of my coworkers. She tends to interrupt me each time im having a conversation with someone else, she just barges in and takes over the conversation and then the person i was talking to loses interest in what i was saying and gives full attention to the interrupting coworker. This makes me feel insecure and I am getting tired of this kind of behavior. If i have a conversation with her, she's the type of person to get all defensive. What should i do?


I like how it starts by mentioning Supreme Court justices! Being interrupted a lot can feel minimizing, so it’s a helpful reminder that it happens to everyone, it’s not because you’re a poor communicator or an irrelevant contributor to the team.


Whoever is speaking first, please let them finish . If you interrupt the other person, you know exactly what your doing. Wait til they are done saying what they need to say . Then you can speak.
If someone else interrupts the person speaking and you engage in that conversation, please don’t. It’s rude, it’s ignorant, and you shouldn’t be in that room anyway. It sounds like you really don’t want to hear what they have to say.
Why can’t people wait for the other one to be done. Because the conversation isn’t about them. Some people do actually want to be heard . I’ve been interrupted so many times, I just finally say wow guys, that was really f ignorant. Thanks for listening.
I won’t share another story or night with that person to this day, if you weren’t taught to respect others then think back, you probably were.


I get this often in meetings. I'm not a loud talker, so I find it hard to get in a word edgewise until I get pissed. The other day I finally said "Jesus Christ" and got some looks.
It's rude, and usually, the loud talkers are the idiots in the meeting and talk round and round, missing the obvious solution.


Beautifully explained the topic Anita.


Interruptions most of the time are not polite, so I am equally impolite when dealing with anyone but someone well intentioned.


Good explanation! I would like to know how to navigate someone's domineering interruptions in casual conversation, not just in a workplace context.


I love this! Such a great way of breaking interruptions down into useful categories. Thanks so much Anita!


My problem is not work related, but personal. I have been dating this guy for 10 years. (We are breaking up now). The one thing that got to me the most about this guy, was that he interrupted me every single time I speak. I cannot finish ONE single sentence. He interrupts. If he doesn't like what I am saying, he just talks over me. This results in me talking louder. Eventually so much louder that I start yelling. It is horrible. He pushes me to a point where I literally loose control eventually. And I scream. The anger and the anxiety in me ends up taking over and I end up looking like this horrible screaming bitch. I explained to him over and over again that this is rude. That it presses my buttons. That he must stop doing this. I tried all kinds of techniques. Even asked him to always count to 5 before he answers me. It got so bad that I eventually had a nervous breakdown. I feel like he tries to shut me up all the time. Push me down. My friends say he is a narcissist (friends always say that don't they?). I went to a pshycologist because I thought maybe there is something wrong with me. After 2 very long sessions, she said that he sounds like a narcissist but maybe also have Aspergers or something? (Is aspergers the right word?). All I want to do now is to get away from this guy. I feel like he will destroy me. I feel so confused though!


My husband will say something during an argument, then when I answer, he does this weird, quiet talking the entire time I'm answering him


I get interrupted all the time by my father-in-law when sitting around talking at the dinner table. He's 84 years old, wearing hearing aids and can't hear siht. He actually doesn't really care what anybody has to say, only what he has to say about anything counts. How do you suggest dealing with this a-hole?


I appreciated this helpful presentation because the inability to focus for most of society makes it difficult to get information or a point across. Aside from the information, I must add that you are gorgeous! I really like your haircut and your accent and inflections are beautiful.
