World of Warships- Top 5 Ships That Make ABSOLUTELY No Sense

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Hey guys! Today we go over 5 ships that have us all scratching out heads! Enjoy!

Music: Stranger Think- C418

0:00 Intro
0:52 5. Kii
5:42 4. Republique
9:19 3. Rodney
13:04 2. KGV
15:52 1. Halford
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Kii was a separate class to the Amagi class, the Amagis were Amagi, Akagi Takao and Atago (the latter 2 names being reused on the Takao class Cruisers) and were Battlecruisers, the Kiis were Fast Battleships forming part of Japan's planned 8, 8 fleet


I'm still waiting for WG to pull Republique from the tech tree like they did with GK and give us a 16" gun Alsace at t10 in its place


The kii is an AA monster. I’ve deplaned CVs solo in that. Plus the torps and the money camo made this my first work horse.


Hey man, just got my first 200 Steel in WOW. I learned a lot from the MASSIVE amount of footage you have. Thanks for the commentary and the videos.


I've always thought that KGV and Duke of York were a lot more vulnerable in the game than they should be. They sorely need an armour buff.


Top 5 ships for me that make no sense:
5: Jager WW1 ship design at T9
4: Super Heal ships of any line (British BB’s, South American cruisers, etc)
3: Super ships in general
2: Subs - Go just as fast underwater and when on surface pretty much, not detectable by hydro at distances……. Magic homing torps
1: CV’s - Immune to fire. Plane printing machines, immune to flak during attack


Bourgogne should have been the tier X french BB. Republique should've been the steel option


Perth--used spaced out machinery spaces to reduce the risk of having its powerplant taken out with one hit, but in game that just expands the citadel, making it MORE vulnerable.

...and warp speed Georgia (but so much fun)!


I think Halford CAN have a good use if it survives to an endgame. Especially if that endgame is close and one team is hunting the last stragglers of the opposing team before the timer runs out. In that case the Halford's plane provides crucial spotting -- at least I was on the receiving end of that one time and lost the game solely because I could not evade that Halford. Of course, this is situational and doesn't happen nearly often enough to be worth it.


The IJN BC Line was such a missed opportunity for WeeGee, I was rather irritated when I found that they made up a ship for the T8 BC when they had Amagi right there.

Still, I think it's a crime now that we have Florida, that we don't have a 14" armed NC at T7, maybe a bit slower and a 3x3 format, and making the Fattleship and Fast BB split happen after new Mex. Yes the Fast BB line gets the bigger guns later and you get less of them, but you get to move around the map faster... and I'd fix the T8/9 Fattleships and let them have the guns of the NC and the Iowa, just on a much slower ship.


Nice video, great job!
Kii was on my personal wishlist, but then i started reading her description in the prewmium shop - and deleted it from my wishlist. Weak armor, unprecise guns, that killed it.

République makes no sense, but is very fun to play. One day i must have had a brainfart, i purchased that steel camo and then i had it in my inventory for some time. Then i finished the french BB line, getting the Répu. Just at this time there was a brawl with DD, CA and BB allowed. Took Répu into it and she performed godlike. So i decided to put the steel camo on her, now she`s my silver machine. She was much fun in the asymmetric battles, and a few days ago i picked her for operations in a clan division. We got Rescue of the Raptor, and i got an easy 400K battle. Her fast reload, big guns and engine boost make her a great BB.

Rodney is on my wishlist, just to complete my colletion of Nelson class BB`s. Nelson and Collingwood are there, still need Rodney. All are outdated, weak armor, not so precise guns, but sometimes they can be great and perform awesome if the opponetns don`t focus on them.

King George V is... well... odd. I`m not really happy with her.

Halford is a ship i don`t want, and i agree with you. It makes no sense in this game.


I have the Halford myself and I'm consistently getting 60-100k dmg games.

I have this built similar to the Kidd, might be the reason why it works so well for me.


The fact that Wargame years and years later refuses to just add a Battlecruiser class infuriates me.


As someone with a Halford, I feel so attacked but at the same time it’s so true


KGV is the BB pick for ranked play at that tier, 6100 damage per barrel, 10 barrels, every 25 seconds, starts lots of fires, does not care about the angle. Very consistent, unlike every tier 7 brawler, which are very hit and miss. If you want to get to silver, KGV, and she was real.


the fact prince of wales was so heavily armoured and was sunk by aircraft just proved how obsolete battleships were long before yamato was sunk. i'd be interested to know what would replace KGV at tier VII if she got armoured properly and replaced Monarch


Collingwood would be a good addition to this list. How many Tier VII British battleships do we need anyway?


Only ever played Republique on PTS (with a 21 point Captain) - but ALWAYS spec for it's FUN! :)


Kii is a Battleship Varient of the Amagi Class. Not actual Amagi class. Her design was slightly different. It’s like saying North Carolina and South Dakota being the same class. Kii are better armored than Amagi because she was design to be a Battleship Variant of Amagi. “Fast Battleship” I should say. Which is why I keep saying Amagi is a Battlecruiser and will always be a Battlecruiser. Kii is the true Battleship design unlike Amagi (Which is why I’m still mad at WeeGee not moving Amagi to the BC line because it will make more sense and place Tosa as Amagi BB replacement. It doesn’t affect the game at all it just making Amagi even better at what she is doing as well.)

So saying about this

Battleship varient. Battlecruiser Varient
Fuso. Kongo
Nagato. Yumihari
Tosa. Amagi
Kii. Bungo… (Ugh~ I hate the name)

Anyway, the reason why Kii armor was horrible compared to Amagi because Amagi model in the game was the WeeGee conversion. Making her “Battleship” which is basically Kii. Back then, Amagi have 3 Hull upgrades. A Hull was her original design. She was so bad in her hull A that WeeGee have to remove them because her hull was lightly armored. Like even Iowa can citadel her at long range, at any angled. Not to mentioned her belt is Heavy Cruiser level. So she is really squishy in Hull A. It’s like playing Azuma on a Super Ship tier. Tbh, Ashitaka is what Hull A Amagi looks like BTW. Back then she also doesn’t have 32mm in Hull A means you still have that awful 25mm armor.

Now, before you said anything. WeeGee does this before moving ships around for new alternate brach. Cleveland used to be a Tier VI cruisers. Pepsi VII, New Orleans VIII and Baltimore at tier IX. Yes, Baltimore used to be a Tier IX ship before the CL introduction. Back then IJN DDs also used to be dufferent before Akitsuki (Yes, back then Harugumo doesn’t come with Aki DD branch rework)
We have Minekaze V. Mutsuki VI, Hatsuharu VII, Fubuki VIII, Kagero IX and Shimakaze X. These are original Tech Tree IJN DDs. Back then people loves Kagero. She is very stealthy till this day. Shima back then have worse concealment than Gearing. But also back then IJN Torps are much harder to detect even with 20km ones. Then Akatsuki line were introduced. (where back then Shiratsuyu can use both Reload Booster and Smoke like Yuudachi. Talking about create problem sell solutions.) This also introduced torpedo reload booster. Which back then Shima also can use this as a alternative slot on smoke consumables. So you can go high risk Kitakami or Ninja stealth of smoke screen (Radar was already there but only for 2 lines) that time Shima also got buffed. This is before Large Cruisers existed. And back then BB AP can delete DDs. But no one uses them because they think Shima with smoke is the best option than Torp Reload Booster. So because of this many players get caught off guard by Shima with Torps reload booster and make an out cry to the point WeeGee have to stop all the fun.

So makes me wondering why WeeGee don’t try to rework the IJN BB/BC line like the rest of IJN DDs.

Here’s my proposal line split
IJN BB Tech Tree

Satsuma Class III.
Kawachi IV
Yamashiro V (CBT Hull A Fuso).
Fuso VI.
Nagato VII.
Tosa VIII.
Izumo IX.
Yamato X.

For BC start at Tier V

Myogi V
Kongo VI
Yumihari VII
Amagi VIII
Adatara IX
Fuji X (Adatara with 46cm gun)

If you noticed. I also made arrangements where IJN BBs and BC have consistent speed. Means Japan will deal with 20-27 knots speed while BC will deal with 28-30 knots.
Fuji X (same hull as Adatara but with 46cm gun)

Kongo, Myogi and Amagi will get BC sigma as a buff with some armor changes.


For the King George they could have given a normal or slightly better heal and made its armor goateed.
