*eye roll* to that speech - SILO SEASON 2 EPISODE 2 - review and theories

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Book channel: @JosLiteraryJourney
Tiktok: @misseverythingisfine


Guys, this was a good episode, but I want to go back to Juliette

#silo #rebeccaferguson #appletv

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Don’t stop - you have a good thing going.


Very good comments, as usual.

The tv series creators have said that the show will differ from the book. So, although I have NOT read any of the books, I don't think it's important to know the book plots. Your comments are exploring various storylines the show COULD take--and all of your theories are valid. And, coming up with OUR own theories as we watch the show, week-to-week, is what the series wants us to do. In a way, we (the viewers) are like Juliette or the silo dwellers, we learn a little more information each week, and we have to apply that info to determine WHAT the answers are to the numerous mysteries of the silos & their governance structure.

Now, to the episode. This is Bernard's episode: we learn a lot about him, as he manipulates events to serve his purpose of controlling the 10, 000 people in Silo 18. Which is his JOB, as the Silo Leader. As you point out, he "flips the script" on Juliette surviving, by saying she volunteered to help him (Bernard) by going outside & testing new tape--that could lead to the people of the silo eventually leaving and going safely outdoors. This is brilliant on Bernard's part, and shows (as Meadows later says) that Bernard IS good at politics. Notwithstanding the fact that he's a LIAR.

Story-wise, what Bernard's lie does is set-up the possibility that when (as I believe) Juliette DOES return to her original silo, she & Bernard will be forced to form some type of "alliance" to keep the silo dwellers inside where it's safe. And, to share power in Governing the silo. Bernard has created the myth of Juliette-as-a-Hero; so if she returns, he must continue that myth; or, lose his role & control over the people.

My theory is that Juliette, before she returns, will learn a lot in Silo 17 that will give her Equal knowledge with Bernard (a copy of the book "The Order" that Bernard uses as reference?) and Bernard will make her his Official Shadow.

This, of course, will piss off Sims, who desperately wants the Shadow job. More of my theory: Juliette will force Bernard to follow through on his Big Lie--and begin exploring ways that folks from the silo CAN safely go outside, and move forward their quest to return to the earth.

In summary: this series gives us the opportunity to test out different theories based on the plot points revealed each week, and this is my latest.


Walker knows more because she has a radio she uses to tap into convo. Also I think her ex wife worked with IT or Judicial.
