Miley Cyrus Plays Charades With Gal Gadot & Sings Tom Petty Cover

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Miley’s had quite the fun-filled week during her time on Fallon, but she also took some time to honor one of music’s most iconic singers.
Miley Cyrus has been making herself right at home during her week-long residency on The Tonight Show, and on the fourth night of Fallon, our girl Miley gave to us…. a beautiful tribute to Tom Petty following his untimely death, where she sang his song “Wildflowers” with a little help from her father, Billy Ray, and this harmony was LITERALLY music to our ears.
But her time on Fallon was far from over when just before taking the stage Miley battled it out in a riveting game of Charades with The Roots’ vocalist Black Thought AKA Tariq Trotter, and none other than Wonder Woman herself, Gal Gadot. Miley teamed up with Tariq and the two definitely had the bigger advantage after Gal admitted to never having played before… but it was what was on Miley’s “lucky number” card that was as easy as pie to act out for the singer.
The next round left the audience literally speechless when Gal caught a wave of beginner’s luck when Jimmy barely even read off the category that was ‘movies’ along with the hint of it being a ‘short title’ and you could literally blink and miss this epic win:
The game ultimately ended in a tie with neither team guessing Miley and Jimmy’s act to “Dancing on the Ceiling”, but if a tie game didn’t quite satisfy your needs, maybe Miley and Jimmy’s “No Big Deal” sketch will. The two then channeled the most irritating people on the planet during the fake Bravo talk show sketch, where they try to one-up each other’s brags by adding the phrase “no big deal”. Take a look and try not to lose all chill in the process.
Well just FYI, it’s Friday and I have a free PostMates delivery fee so I’m about to go HAM on some takeout after work, buuuut no big deal. But this seems like a good place to turn it over to you guys, so right now I want to know which Miley sketch/performance/game was your favorite from last night, so hit us up down here in the comments, and after that, you can click right over here to check out another one of Miley’s tribute performances of “The Climb” in honor of the Las Vegas victims. Thanks for hanging out with me here on Clevver News, I’m your host Zoe Lillian and I’ll see you next time.
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