Finally Unboxing Our Book!

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** Follow the Fun**

About the Holderness Family
The Holderness Family creates original music, parodies, and Vlogs for YouTube to poke fun of themselves and celebrate the absurdity in circumstances most families face in their day to day life. They published "Christmas Jammies" in December 2013 and life hasn't been the same. Since then, their popular parodies, "All About That Baste", "Baby Got Class," and original music "Snow Day" have received national news coverage. Penn, the Dad, took a chance and left his job as a news anchor to join his wife Kim, the Mom, at their video production and digital marketing company, Greenroom Communications, LLC. Lola and Penn Charles are always happy, respectful and eat all of their vegetables (that last sentence is a lie). Penn, Kim, Lola, and Penn Charles publish Vlogs and other nonsense to this channel as often as they can while remaining sane. Our viewers have become our family and we try our best to respond to comments.
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I've written two books and there's nothing more satisfying then seeing the print work of your writing. Congrats guys!


First of all, congratulations!
You two need to know how much you helped our whole family this year to try and find fun in the hard. My 12 year old was diagnosed with ADHD this year and Penn, you helped me introduce him to the label and he has really embraced this as a good thing. He shows everyone the video when explaining his diagnosis, including my Dad who also has it.
We all get so excited when a new video of yours drops, I joke that you must have cameras in our house because you always make videos that are relevant to us. (Still trying to convince my hubby to get an air fryer, but Christmas will make everything better, I’ve definitely considered a peloton, etc).
The short version of my comment is my 12 year old preordered your book for me for my birthday because you have all meant that much to us. THANK YOU. You’ve made a huge difference, especially for my son which honestly makes me emotional every time I think about it.


I'm surprised you guys havent done a parody song called Everybody Fights...based on Everybody Hurts by R.E.M....Maybe you did and I missed it. If so let me know. Anyways Congrats on the book!


Congratulations!!! I'm so proud for you. I pre-ordered a copy and I'm not even married 😂


Congratulations!!! The Gold Lettering would of gotten me too sweetie... Thank you for bringing so much Joy to Many people. Hope it hits the NYT Best Seller List!!!


Congratulations to you! I received my copy earlier this week and it is sooo good! What an exciting time for you both! My husband and I both wish we'd had this book years ago. We love your videos and podcast and our kids even ask to watch before going to bed! Usually the question from them is, "Is there a new video today?!" 🤗 Thanks for bringing so much to so many! Very proud of you!


I’m so happy for you guys. Congratulations!!!!


Congratulations on seeing your hard work in all its gold-lettered spine glory. Well done, you. Time to hit the virtual talk show circuit.


I preordered months ago. Hopefully this means I will be getting it soon.


There's nothing as joyful as that moment when you open up the box of advance copies of the book that represents years of work. Congratulations 👏👏


CONGRATS - SO happy for you! As a writer myself, it is so surreal seeing something you have written in print. Even more fun is finding old stuff and reading it and thinking ‘I wrote this?’ The creative mind does things even we can’t believe came out of it! Still working on my book (SO many rewrites!), but I know I will feel the same when it finally gets published. We will be getting one of yours for sure!


Ooh, I'll have to preorder. My teacher showed me one of your videos and they make me laugh. Keep up the good work.


You’ve said in many places that if your book helps even one relationship you’d be happy. Just wanted to share with you that you have at least hit that goal - my fiancé and I (together going on 8 yrs, engaged for 5 - second marriage and kids in high school) have been reading your book together. I read a chapter out loud before bed and we discuss. And we’ve already been seeing how this will help our communication, but also how the advice translates for our other family relationships. So Thank You both for putting this out there!


Congrats! I'm single and I hope to have a marriage like yours.


Congratulations you guys! I'm so happy for you! 💖


Congratulations! 🎉 Question: Did you fight over writing the book? 🤣


Congratulations! Love you guys!! Thanks for making everyone smile and laugh!!!


Did y'all read for the audiobook, or hire a voice actor? I love hearing audiobooks in the author's voice!


Congrats .. I'm waiting for your live stage act! ☺


Congratulations! My entire family loves you! Did you record the audible?
