He said 'I Have Been ASKING My Grandson to HELP ME for Three Months Now'

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While doing a job for a Client, I noticed an overgrown yard in front of a house that was on the same street after I finished the job I decided to go in and ring the doorbell to see if the Homeowner needed help. The door was opened to me by an elderly man with a cane, then I asked if I could help him in the yard?
The owner of the house told me that he can't do this kind of work himself and he used to have his grandson help him, but for three months now he can't get him to help because he's always busy and he was planning to hire a gardener for the job! He asked me how much it would cost him, to which I replied that I would do the job for free.
The next day I went back and got to work.
I proceeded to remove the weeds from the sidewalk, then cleaned the parking lot near the garage of moss using the nylon brush attachment on the trimmer, but before that I had to collect the leaves. I continued working with the trimmer and went to the backyard, among the thick and tall grass, everything was covered with old firewood and boards, the homeowner told me that I could just mow the area, as he still hoped that his grandson would come and remove all the firewood, but I realized that this would not work, as the firewood was everywhere and also obviously not one year old, so I decided to put them closer to the fence in one pile. It took me about an hour to collect all the firewood, then I went to the front yard and uprooted the dried boxwood bush and took a break, then I started mowing the front yard lawn, first I did it without the grass catcher, just shredded the grass, then collected it in my green bags and then I mowed it again with the grass catcher, in the back yard I just shredded it with the lawnmower and collected it in the bags, but I didn't mow it again.
I then started trimming the shrubbery in front of the house and the hedge, I also had to work hard to trim the laurel tree growing near the house as it was very tall, then I removed the broken wooden section of the fence as it was rotten and already broken. To finish the job, I cleared the garden path where the firewood used to lie.
I wanted to trim the bushes all around the yard, but the owner preferred to leave it as is because he wanted privacy.
The whole job took me 8 hours and a full trailer.
Even though I said I would do it for free, the owner still gave me money and insisted I take it.
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Three days after this job, I found a tick on my leg and immediately remembered that I didn't get vaccinated this year, so I'll be making an appointment for a shot next week!😅


Bless you.. some elders are just forgotten about and most are not able to do all that they use to do but still would like things to look nice. I appreciate the work you do.


You may not think yourself a "Hero", but you are to those you help. Thank you for helping people that cannot help themselves. You are a precious soul. God Bless You. 🌻❤🌻


My god, that Grandfather definitely needed help. You were a godsend.
It’s a shame his actual grandson wasn’t there because piling the wood was a job on its own.
You certainly triumphed over that dead shrub. It deserved its own video!
I believe this was a bigger job than expected.
Your hard work gave that elderly man a beautiful property to enjoy.


I’d love to see the look on the grandson’s face when he sees what one kind stranger was able to do for his grandfather, when he couldn’t take the time to do it himself!


Proof that sometimes a gardener with 100k subscriber can be more reliable than a grandson that is 'too busy'. The old gentleman must be very happy with the way his lawn and garden looks now.
Thank you for another satifying video. 😊❤


What a Blessing!!!! This man can finally look at his yard and be at peace and so happy!!!


Thank you for helping that man from a 71 year old woman. Nowadays kids or grandkids don't take time to help their parents or grandparents They are so busy with their life. I'm so glad that I live in an apt. That I don't have to deal with cutting the grass. And I like cutting grass but my body won't let me lol. You did a beautiful job.


I don't know how old the grandson is but that's a big job. They needed a professional, like you. Great work!


What a wonderful kindness you did for this homeowner!! That was a lot of very hard work!! You always pay attention to the small details!! Taking out the root of the bush, restacking all that firewood, even finding the steel wedges!! As Always the hedges are immaculate!! So enjoyed the video!!


A real pleasure to watch a professional at work, the word that sprung to mind focused.


Grand job. Glad the owner liked it. I bet the neighbors really liked it. Keep up the good deeds 😊.


Looks AMAZING! You work so hard - always impressive to watch you work. Congratulations on 100k subscribers too!


He paid you because you gave him his dignity back ❤


You made this horrible looking yard look wonderful. Thank you for all that you do for others..😊


This guy is above and beyond! He is a hard worker! Not to many of thise now a days sad!


Maybe his grandson can help him maintain the garden now?
Really nice work!!


Отличная работа. Двор преобразился. Вы делаете мир прекрасным.


This video is the best! It had a little bit of everything, which is fantastic. And the camera work is phenomenal. I’m not sure how you do it, but it’s as if you have a professional camera crew there with you. Thank you for the close-up shots. We’re here to see the work being done, so thank you for actually showing us.


So happy you noticed his yard and were able to help him. Many blessings to you.
