What Does This Person on Your Mind Want to Say to You ✨🧠 🗣✨ | Pick A Card

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*Timeless Reading*
What Does This Person on Your Mind Want to Say to You ✨🧠 🗣✨

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⭐️ Personal Readings:
(Not available at the moment)

Pile Picking: 00:00
Pile Preparation: 03:34

Pile 1 (House Seven + Yellow Aventurine): 11:02
Pile 2 (Scorpio + Green Grass Jasper): 34:34
Pile 3 (Gemini + Sodalite): 49:58

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🎴Decks used in this reading:
-The Wild Unknown Archetypes by Kim Krans
-Heavenly Bodies by Lily Ashwell
-Ceccoli Tarot by Nicoletta Ceccoli 
-Mermaid Tarot by Leeza Robertson
-Wisdom of the Oracle Divination Cards by Colette Baron-Reid
-Tea Leaf Fortune Cards by Rae Hepburn
-The Fantastic Menagerie Tarot by Karen Mahony
-Anna K Tarot

**📚Suggested Book in the reading:
Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess by Dr. Caroline Leaf

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**This channel is only for entertainment purposes. Please note that I do not give any medical or professional advice. Anything that I say is only my personal opinion. Please consult your medical doctor/psychiatrist 💗
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I would never have thought of watching a reading about this subject but here we are.


Picked up pile 2, so happy, was manifesting this person on my mind and well ITS ALREADY DONE!!!!I just found this channel but boy am i gonna be here for a long time, cause the way she is making sure that she doesnt say something triggering or ends up offending people is sooo sweet!!!


Pile 1. My person is my subconscious self. It was a magical reading. It resonates so much. Thank you for sharing with gift. due to certain childhood trauma I disassociated and healing has been such a long journey. I am ready to face what I have to face. Thank you.


I loved pile 2!! I had to pick this pile because my Divine Masculine is a Scorpio whose favorite color is green. While it made me very happy, especially with all the synchronicities, but I kinda already suspected this about him. Thank you!!


Pile 3. Painfully resonant. They are my doctoral supervisor. Guide, mentor, friend.. so much they are. I *do* feel so safe with them... So safe and taken care of. Soon I will graduate. Every sentence fits. I don't want to leave as much as they don't want me to.. but even to come back at some point, I must spread the wings they have helped me grow. To make them proud.


Not even kidding I scrolled up and down the videos with my eyes closed and my finger landed on this video every time


Pile 2: The person on my mind is a close relative that has been hiding alcohol addiction for 10 or more years. I just found out a few months ago and I have been heart broken and unable to broach the subject with them because they've built so many walls to keep themselves protected. It was spot-on. I too kept saying wow!


3rd pile is right and most helpful in healing my HH eart to heal the challenge of being in love in painful separation of communication not expected out of fear.


oh, my god… pile 2 is just insane. the most accurate reading of my life. i just want to add that when you said theyre exposed and everyone knows theyre feelings about you, you can also interpret that as YOU know theyre feelings about you and YOURE watching them hide it.


I’ll say it again and again, but I can’t thank you enough for your work. You take this very seriously and act with such pure intentions and in a world where you can barely trust anyone or anything anymore, your videos give me a sense of relief and tranquility. Ilysmmmm and ❤


Picked Pile No.2 and I don't know who is this and it's totally interesting! Thank you Reem and may you have a healthy and great amazing year and abundance ahead!


You’re readings are absolutely always divine. This one is no different. I am in tears at how meticulously these messages come out of you. Spot on. Do you offer personal readings?


Enjoyed reading #3. As the story unfolds, my original person changed to another. You give me hope on something I’ve spent many months distancing from. Deep Namaste 4 sixes!


Every 3 Piles fit 100% to the Persons I choose. I love this readings regarding to specific persons
Please more 🙏🥰


Pile number 2 awesome reading I am looking forward to it and as you said a lot of people already figured it out we've just been waiting for him to figure it out


I feel like this video was made just for me and I am so thrilled that so many people feel the exact same way!! We’re never alone!


I’ve never posted before, but choosing and listening to pile nr1 made me severly cry because of it’s accuarcy ❤ A person who I genuinely loved, hurt me so much and many times throughout last year. I praised him and let know my deepest feelings I’ve ever felt for him. I know, I’m an important person in his life, but he was too busy to get in contact with me, and get in contact with his own true feelings. I called him a “stone” several times, and I choosed the first pile because he wear a shirt today with the same color. End of 2022 I told him that I cannot bare the pain he causing with avoiding me anymore. He said, he will most probably regret letting me go. A week later we met again, and I ignored him as much as he did to me. I hope he won’t let go the people whom he truly loves. It seems…I was not that person…Thanks for your readings ❤️


Pile #1 - Bittersweet.

Someone who has been in and out of my life for the past almost 3 decades finally admitted to me a year and a half ago that he took me for granted all those years and hoped we could be partners. I was shocked, nevertheless hopeful. Nothing really changed, and several months ago I ended things romantically. It's bittersweet because we are like two peas in a pod and if his ego wasn't in the way we could have the type of partnership people envy.


Pile #1 described ME with my late husband. Since he died in September of '22 I have been the one in pain and wishing he would contact me. Instead, I get constant reminders of his passing; legal things that I thought would be easily handled and instead proved gut wrenching and heartbreaking. He's the one that can "handle" things because he is beyond earthly problems. This whole reading was too accurate for words.


Wow, so weird how accurate this reading is!!! I chose one and he's so grumpy at me right now! I just can't believe how precisely you described it!
