Mark Eliyahu - Endless

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“Endless” is an example of how I feel about music.
I am trying to create an uplifting atmosphere for people, a musical journey that takes you beyond time and place, moving between deep emotions and pure happiness, like a tribal party where you are dancing and your soul is flying, this kind of vibe is what I’m trying to create.
The musical language I’m using to write is a new and unique language. it sounds like nothing else and like everything at the same time. It is inspired by any style that crossed my path - elements of the middle east, Asia and Africa. Pop, Electronic, Classical music, and many more.
I have always felt like a cultural mashup, and for me, this song seems special. I feel it has one foot in deep tradition and classical vibes, and one foot in the future and the dance floor.
Now it's yours.
Enjoy it.
Music composed by Mark Eliyahu
Mark Eliyahu - Kamanche, Baglama
Piris Eliyahu - Tar
Haim Weiss - Keyboards
Adi Rotem - Synth, Guitar, Bass, Programming
Produced by Mark Eliyahu and Adi Rotem
Recorded by Adi Rotem
Mix & mastering by Aran Lavi
Art design by Omri Cohen
Photo by Zohar Ron
Publishing: Universal Music Publishing Turkey
#Ethnic_Electro #World_Music #Kamancheh