I Try Saving A Struggling Donut Shop From Going Bankrupt

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Entrepreneur Davie Fogarty steps into Cakeboy Donuts in desperate need of rescue! In this thrilling episode, Davie tackles the shop's financial struggles and operational chaos with his expertise and innovative strategies.

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Hey, if we haven't met before, I'm the owner and founder of 'The Oodie', one of Australia's fastest growing ecommerce brands.

DISCLAIMER: The content provided in this YouTube video is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. Any recommendations, reviews, or opinions expressed are based on personal experiences and research, and individual results may vary. Viewers are encouraged to conduct their own due diligence and consult with relevant professionals before making any purchasing decisions or implementing strategies discussed in this video. The creator of this content shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of information presented herein.
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I'm looking for more amazing businesses to assist! If you need help with your business, fill out the form below👇


This type of content can elevate your channel to the next level. I truly appreciate the quality of your work.


One of the only legit educators, too many people showing Ferraris and planes and people fall for it 😂


The main bakery for Krispy Kreme South Australia has a light out the front that says "Free Donuts". When the light is on (every day, usually around 6pm) you can get a free plain glazed donut. They scaled it back this year to "free donut with any purchase", but it's apparently affordable enough to give away free donuts every day of the year. The cost of those extra donuts is probably very low, as long as they don't take up shelf space.


I'd recommend them follow a Crumble Cookie model. Have them create a "viral" donut once a month to bring back returning customers. Maybe once a quarter do a "free donut day" for promo. They got this


For those that were wondering - Cakeboy had their best week of sales after our efforts! Go check them out on Instagram and show them some love.


Boy does this sound familiar. I owned a kombucha brewery. Hardest part was it was so new to our community we had to educate everyone. There was room for business. We didn't do terrible but after starting the business we added 4 kids. My husband was a mechanical engineer and it was a lot of pressure when we knew he could go back into the workforce. Still miss it. Our customers miss us. It was a very seasonal product. We were making about $1000 in 4 hours at our local farmers markets but we were stretched thin for help and the season would dwindle. Best memories for us though. ❤


I have a struggling home bakery myself that iam trying to rejevunate so finding this channel is a blessing for me.Thank you


Great effort Dave. Hospitality is tough. So proud to see a successful Adelaidean helping some good people. This is great culture. Keep it up.


I like the transparency when it comes to things not working. Also epic editing mate, top shelf quality, somehow on the sweet spot between being too TV-like and too cheap phone vlog style.


Great video, really appreciate the fact you showed things not working too, most people would cut that out, appreciate the fact you've shown how hard it is, and well done to all of you on the hard work and making it through the other end. Would love more vids like this


I think the main takeaway from this is not to give up...when the first efforts failed many would have given up, but continuing on when others fail puts you ahead of the competition


I love this type of video! Should be a TV show where you fix companies.


I hope you enjoyed this episode! If there's a business you’d like me to help, feel free to let me know. 👇


As someone running their own indie game development business it's so interesting to see the overlaps and parallels between these different kinds of industries! I've also been going to a local cafe in Wayville called Flow Espresso for a while now and become good friends with the owner, and it's such an interesting experience seeing all of the challenges they need to overcome like hiring staff, optimizing the location, dealing with the landlords, and everything else that goes along with it.


Mate, you know what I appreciated on this video? You never tried to change their mind about the vegan business, you used their passion and hard work to get them selling because it does not matter if it’s vegan or not, good food is good food, period. As a vegan myself I was waiting where you would go like: guys we have to change the menu and add some dairy or some animal related product, and you didn’t, and this is amazing, long life to your channel and to Cakeboy, a beautiful family business.


These are my favourite type of entrepreneurial content on YouTube right now. You’re genuine, truthful and show how it works. Furthermore, the heping element in the video is not based on some Trending formula, but on the actual problems at hand. Love the vids keep up these consulting type videosss


Dear Davie, this type of content can make you viral not only on social platforms but also even in TV channels, go for it, you are nailing it, i even get tips for my medical tourism company!


Love what you’re doing Davie, so nice of you to help out. Thumbs up to the owners for their perseverance.


Oh my goodness! Cakeboy is AMAZING! I discovered them last week when in Adelaide for work and holey moley their food is incredible. Love the donuts, and the SOFT SERVE! So good. How funny that I stumbled across this video today.
