Back rehab: Brian Carroll with Dr. Stuart McGill - McGill pull-up with maximum Neural drive

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In this video, 1300+ squatter, McGill Method Certified coach and 10/20/Life creator and co-author of Gift of Injury Brian Carroll working with Dr. McGill creating engrams and perfect explosive movement. #pullup #pullups #core

Maximum Neural drive during a chin-up from every part of the back and it starts with grip. Instead of sets of 6-10, consider sets of 1, 10 or so times, and working up to 15-20 singles, over time. Take about 10 seconds of rest between.

Brian is a world-class powerlifter with over two decades of world-class powerlifting under his belt. Coming back from a devastating back injury in 2012 that broke multiple bones and that most experts said he would never recover from, he has returned to the pinnacle of world-class lifting (while 100% pain and symptom-free) and is now dedicated to helping others avoid the same mistakes that he made in the past through private and group coaching.Brian’s impressive recovery has given him the opportunity to teach and deliver talks to physical therapists, chiropractors, medical doctors, professional strength & conditioning coaches, and experts from all facets of the sport, on how to avoid injury, while building anti-fragile strength and resilience in athletes.

A competitive powerlifter since 1999, Brian Carroll is one of the most accomplished lifters in the history of the sport. Having lifted at the elite world-class level since 2005, Brian has well over a decade of world-class lifting experience. He has totaled more than ten times his body weight in three different classes, and both bench pressed and deadlifted over 800 pounds in two different classes. In his career, he’s totaled 2500 over 20 times in 2 different weight classes.Most recently (10.3.20) -Brian set the highest squat of all-time (regardless of weight class) with 1306lbs – being the first man to break the 1300lb squat barrier at a body-weight of 303lbs.

Рекомендации по теме

Man, why is this genius not more popular on youtube?! Youtube should be loaded with his videos


Imagine how lucky you need to be to spend even a minute with Dr McGill let alone be rehabbed by him


Reading Dr McGill's book called "Back Mechanic" helped me almost entirely eliminate my 5 year old lower lumbar pain and sciatica..


The McGill Big 3 have eliminated nervy pain in my glutes, hips call and foot...HIGHLY RECOMMEND his book Back Mechanic.


People like this are so important to society. Back pain, or just parts of the body that don’t function correctly are a nightmare .


I have only now hearing about Dr. Mcgill. I am going to share with friends and my future children. Thank you


Nice to see people finally realizing that Dr. McGill is "THE" guy. Brian thanks for posting these, I have been following Dr. McGill for years but am only getting onto Youtube myself now...


After a few weeks of doing this it actually brought my max pull ups from 6 to 12. I can't believe it worked so well. Part of that is probably because I had only been seriously working for 2 months prior to trying this technique so I'm going to get fast gains in the beginning. but still, the results are impressive.


These videos with the Dr and your slow rebuilding are awesome, keep posting these.


I’ve been using neural drive training doing pull ups to help stiffen my thoracic spine. The changes to my cns are unbelievable in this stage of recovery from a disc injury in the t spine.

I’m moving like I did when I was doing full time jkd with Jerry Poteet and Octavio Quintero.


This Dr. Brings a beautiful new meaning to the term two pump chump.


This is very fascinating and brilliant


thats 1 explosive pullup for such a big guy


I feel so lucky i found this Scientist afew years ago!( i found some articles he wrote)....The Real gold!...guys we are very lucky that we can find him in you tube...believe me .


What are your thoughts today on this style of training Brian? Did you see benefit? Was this for rehabbing an injury? Where do you see this style of training fitting into someone's routine (regularly included, periodic blocks, rehab only)? Interested to hear your thoughts.


I wonder if this McGill type of lifting works with all types of lifts? Bench, squats, etc? Just do 1 or 2 reps at 100% for many sets? Any info on other lifts? This is revolutionary!


I am not sure if anyone knows what Dr. McGill's recommendation would be but doing say 30 sets of 1 in this manner, is this something that should be done 1-2x/week or everyday? Does anyone know what he recommends?


Great video thanks for sharing? Can someone please explain the concept of 'centration' in this context. It's not the same as the scapular shrug sometimes advised when doing pull ups. Centration does however involve engaging rhomboids pre action. Also, I've noted how your head is facing upwards which likely primes the rest of the body and kinetic chain.


Hello! I speak Spanish so I didn't quite understand one part about the series: the idea is to do 1 series of 1 or 2 repetitions at maximum with a rest of approximately 20 seconds and repeat the process again until reaching a total of 8 repetitions?


I want to learn more about the "fat tongue" cue. Anyone know it? Is it in his books?
