Boyfriend Looks At Half-Naked Women On Instagram (Is That Okay?)

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Boyfriend Looks At Half-Naked Women On Instagram (Is That Okay?)

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A man without social media is the biggest green flag. Seek out men who don’t use social media. They’re a rare breed but they exist. I’m married to one…


It really disturbs me how normalized it is to just feel the need to have porn and sex everywhere and need to be aroused all the time. Like why can't people take a break???


6 months? This is the honeymoon phase and he’s already disrespecting your feelings. How do you think it’s going to be in 5yrs? Find yourself a real man not a boy in a man’s body. No man or woman should settle just to be in a relationship. Respect yourself and you’ll find someone who respects you too!


i'm not going to ask a man to stop doing this anymore. they always lie or blame me. i'll just walk and i'll tell him why. and i won't date men who do these things, which probably means i'll live alone. but, not cheated or shitted on. ;)


It’s a dealbreaker and I don’t understand why so many people don’t realize how it would affect the quality and intimacy of their relationship.
Not just because the woman feels hurt or disrespected but because it does something subconsciously to both partners that weakens and erodes their connection.


This is a form of addiction that is so accessible.


Just ended a relationship for this very reason. He said he wasn't, but he was. That was a lie, and a disrespect of my values and feelings, there's no coming back from that. Now just have to let the void heal.


He is your boyfriend, not husband, you are not married, don't have kids, my point is you can easyly walk away. Don't waste your time. This is a major red flag which in time will lead into porn addiction and intimacy promlems. You wouldn't want to get yourself into this knowingly. Just walk away. Please walk away! You are a lively young lady you, deserve better. You owe yourself to do better!


Caller.... you've only been dating for six months. The purpose of dating is to evaluate one another's suitability as a long term companion or spouse. Through dating him, you've learned be has a habit that you don't care for. Consider that you and he may not be a match. You're not going to change him. Harping on his character flaw will only result in his figuring out how to hide his obsession from you. Decide now if this is something you want to live with long-term.


I’m so turned off by guys who do this.


This woman has more patience than I do! Don’t settle with disrespectful people, period.


My ex was like that. My current bf is NOT. We’ve been together a year and the peace and calm I feel is incredible. My ex had this thing with giant breasts, and I would tear my body apart, my self esteem was so low. Now I don’t even care what my breasts look like because I know I’m loved. I haven’t even wore makeup in months because I feel so beautiful. And I’m allowed on his phone so I’ve seen for myself what he looks at ha. It’s just not worth how LOW and UNATTRACTIVE this type of man makes you feel.


Speaking from experience, if they say they stop but they don't, you will forever be guessing and wondering what they are really looking at, it eats away at you and is not a good way to live


My husband and I are 45 and we are now having this issue .
My husband recently created an IG acct and is now constantly looking at T&A on there .
I cannot believe that at 45 & married we are having the same problems that younger couples who are dating are having over social media 🤦🏻‍♀️


Men who do this have no respect for their significant others or other women.


Girl, he never stopped the first time He just told you what he thought you wanted to hear and continued to do what he wants.


Very disrespectful. I’ve been married for 18 years and have never ONCE indicated verbally or behaviorally that I was attracted to any other woman.


Never get attached to a man, as hard as it may be, until he has proven he is worthy!
Awesome advice.


It's just plain disrespect. If something bothers you, and your partner doesn't care, there's your answer. Let him have the ig attention seekers. They don't want him either, unless he is paying, of course! lol


Even if he stops giving them attention he will still be checking them out. If he agreed to stop but he chose not to stop its over. Your goose is cooked. It is so so so so so much easier to find a man who is good for you than to try to change a man who isnt!
