Fox Hosts Twist Themselves Into Knots Defending Trump’s Praise Of Hitler

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Fox News is having a tough time defending Donald Trump’s alleged remarks about how he wished he had generals like Hitler had, but they are trying to make it seem like a nonchalant thing to say. Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade went as far as to defend the comments and suggested that maybe Trump didn’t know that Hitler’s people were all Nazis. The excuses get even dumber from there, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

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Following news this week that, uh, Donald Trump praised Adolf Hitler's generals because, you know, they followed his orders without ever questioning them. The good folks on Fox News decided it was time to step in and defend Donald Trump for defending Adolf Hitler and his generals. And leading the charge, of course, was none other than Fox and Friends Co-host Brian Kilmeade, who was always usually the first one there, because he is the first one on every day to try to make a little sense and sanitize the horrible things that Donald Trump has said. Now, everybody at this point, you gotta be familiar with what happened. General John Kelly, who was Trump's chief of staff, told the story to the Atlantic and to the New York Times about how Donald Trump had praised for Hitler's generals because they never questioned him. They just did what he wanted them to do. Uh, general Mark Millie, who also served in Trump's administration, said that Donald Trump is fascist to the core, and that gets us to where we are. So this week, Brian Kilmeade took it upon himself to not only defend Trump's comments, but also to let us know that Donald Trump is just a very stupid person. Here's what Kilmeade said.

Play this out. If you're general, who's your chief of staff, and your Secretary of Defense is not doing what you say on an everyday basis, I could see him going, I'd love generals that listened. That would be great. I could absolutely see Trump go, it'd be great to have German generals that actually do what we ask them to do. Maybe not fully being cognizant of the third rail of German generals who were Nazis or whatever. So you're telling me that Donald Trump, who by the way, Kelly makes clear that he cleared it with Trump. Like you're talking about Hitler, right? And Trump said, yes, Hitler's generals. So you're telling me Brian Kilmeade, that Donald Trump didn't know or may not have known that Hitler's generals were Nazis? Like, how, how, how does that work? I need more explanation from Brian Kilmeade himself. Explain to me how your little theory could possibly make any sense.

Like Donald Trump went through his life thinking Hitler was a Nazi, but he was like the only one. All the generals were just normal people that were like, Hey man, I'm not a Nazi, but you know, you tell me what to do and I'll do it. Like in what universe? Does that make sense? Do you realize the knots you are twisting yourself into in order to defend this man's comments? Honest to God, like the best thing for you to have done was literally not even talk about it. You guys have ignored major issues in the past. Why did you even wade

Into this? Okay, if you're gonna be this dumb, and of course accuse Donald Trump of being dumb, which is what you're doing, and he is dumb, but why even bother? Why not just tell your producer, Hey, scrap this segment. Uh, we will talk about which laundry detergent get your whites, the whitest. That would be perfect for Fox News. But nope. And Kilmeade wasn't done yet either. He then said, he's also from a world where his company is huge, but it's a family company. When he asked Eric or somebody to do something, they do it. It's not even publicly traded. He doesn't have board members. And all of a sudden now he's like, do this. What do you mean you can't do it? After a while, there were probably times when Trump would say, you know, wouldn't it be great if Generals actually listened? And then Fox and Friends, co-host Lawrence Jones, who was on the show that day added, you know, uh, it wasn't just a slowdown, it was insubordination talking about Trump's generals not listening to his worst impulses.
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I'm stunned that ANYONE would watch these three idiot couch potatoes.


Fox News saved my life. After years in a coma, my nurse put Fox News on my bedside TV. This motivated me to get up and change the channel.
Thanks, Fox.

The hilarious part is Hitler's generals famously disdained him, and at least one high ranking officer tried to kill him with a bomb...


If Trump grabbed a fox host by the muffin, fox would blame the muffin.


Trump could kick an old lady into traffic and foxnews would say that lady was so excited to meet trump she threw herself in the street 🙄


I'm so tired of Trump now, just jail the sob already


I've been calling trump a fascist for a while now. Please vote blue to keep fascism out of America. You may have to fight to keep it this way with all the magas out there.


Jesse, you had a misspelling there - they didn't twist themselves into knots, they've turned themselves into Knotzis.


Can someone sue FOX News into oblivion


Hopefully Fox will disappear when Trump disappear! A woman can dream.
Let us keep the Blue Wave Going 🌊🌊🌊🌊


I'm honestly shocked that they covered it at all. Because it's usually the case that they just don't cover Trump's insanity at all. Kilmeade's apologetics may be the first that many Fox viewers have even heard of this. Huge mistake on their part. There will be Fox viewers who start Googling and get a big surprise at what they find.


Talking about Hitlers Generals, and Arnold Palmers Genatals. Please yote blue up and down the ballot.


They seem to splain daily, hope they clean it off their shoes.


Indefensible! 😮 He's public enema #1.


if one heard the crimes that Hitlers Generals talked about, it'd sicken you and the way they talked about them was like it was a day at the carnival


You can't make sense of what Trump says, there is no way. You can't just do what your boss tells you if they're are in the wrong, people know what's right and wrong and they have to follow their moral standards.🙏🇺🇸💙🙏🇺🇸💙🙏


We really could have done with a Von Stauffenberg when trump was POTUS


Who marries and stays with people like Kilmeade? And what must their children have to go through?


Are you F ing me?
Excusing and trying to justify Trumps stand on Hitler?


There is an unwritten military rule about following illegal orders. If anyone questions the legality of an order in the military, there are steps that can be taken to remove someone from command.
