No One Can Prepare For This One Thing

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The act of preparing is anti stress! Being prepared is a stress reliever.


Don't let fear drive you to prep. Regardless of what you believe, it is selfish and irresponsible to not prepare for an emergency and expect your neighbor, friend or anyone else to take care of you or your family. That's all.


Being prepared has such a wide range. The term prepper i do not even use. A close friend who claims to be very worldly once asked me why i was a prepper. Then he asked me if i planned to "run around shooting people" what a UNINFORMED, UNREALISTIC thing to say! I asked him if he carried a first aid kit and some basics when he went hiking, he replied of course. I called him a prepper and that seemed to end the discussion.


As the saying goes, "I'd rather have it and not need it, then need it and not have it."

So I keep prepping. Thank you Kris. Stay safe all.


My husband and I were discussing this morning why we prep. We do it not only for if shtf but for the unexpected things in life, hurricanes, epidemics etc... During a hurricane our whole neighborhood lost power. We just got the rain and winds but EVERYONE lost their power for 10 days. We had a generator that powered our whole house, we had food, tp and water stored plus our well that the generator also powered. During Covid, we needed nothing. It took us years to get to where we are now. Even if we just started prepping (like now) we do not live in fear, we just do the best we can. I have to say I like your positive vibes, you do not try to instill fear in people instead you keep us informed. Huge difference! I see so many prepper YouTubers say "DO THIS NOW or you're dead!" Scaring people to get more people to subscribe and like their videos. It's quite irritating! We all can only do what we can do. Thank you for keeping us informed in a calm manner. God Bless us all...


We lived in the city for 13 years. The side yard was small and my kids had outgrown it. I wasn't allowed to get chickens since we didn't own an acre, and didn't have room for a good garden.
When I realized our home was worth almost 3 times what we owed I talked over with my Mom about moving into her house. We would build a small addition for just her and Dad to help around the farm, and have space to do all the things we wanted to.
So we did it! Fixed up the house to as perfect as we could make it and sold it! Moved in with my parents and have plans, a builder, and the money to build. It took longer than we though but it is moving forward. Loads of stress and worry can be debilitating but I find time to relax and reset. ♡


Here’s my take. It’s a bit long, but please continue to read. I prep for my peace of mind. I was laid off in the early 2000’s - OMG! Mortgage, utilities, the time and gas of going to interviews. My preps made this downturn “easier”, not great, not worry free, but easier. I’ve had a garden for many years. I ate through my pantry - between the canned items, meats in my deep freeze, and what was growing in my garden. I was well fed. Did I miss my morning coffee run? Yep. But the experience showed me that I was self sufficient for the almost 5 months when I was unemployed. Unemployment insurance in my state is pitiful. Yet, the mortgage got paid and everything else that needed payment got taken care of. It’s taken me 30 years to have a mortgage free house, solar energy with battery, a roof water catchment system (monsoons in summertime), and a garden that I’m still learning from. Don’t be overwhelmed. Like Kris said, you’re in control. Do what you can. Shop only the specials at the grocery stores and build a pantry. There’s plenty of books at your local library that can teach you to cook with pantry staples. My acid test is if X shuts down what do I do? For me, living in the desert SW it’s all about water. I converted grass to desert landscape and made my garden “portable” so I can maneuver the barrels each season for maximum growth. You’re going to learn more from your mistakes than you do from your successes. But by learning from a fail now will help you from failing when it really matters. Thank you Kris and my thanks to the community! Christine


Many years ago I read a survey done in Britain asking people when was the happiest time of their lives. They were surprised to find many saying "during the bombing of London". When asked why, they said there was a feeling of being in it together where class distinctions dissolved and much humanity prevailed. After the war people returned to their niches. Perhaps SHTF will be the happiest. days for some of us in times coming.


My Grand Mother used to tell me when something happened "Don't a nice cup of tea and have a think about the problem, the answer will show itself". I have learned that anything can happen, often beyond my control, but if i am generally prepared for the "unknown catastrophe " that i am one step ahead at least.


As for me, I've recently found it necessary to pull back from much of my prepping efforts because I feel I'm being controlled a bit by fear. I'm not stopping, just taking a bit of a break from my daily "feeding" on imagined/real possibilities. After over 20 years of various efforts to "prepare" I'm (mistakenly?) retuning to my passions involving outdoor/nature hobbies. It's helping...


I love that quote "A goal without a plan is just a dream."


I refuse to be a victim. A victim of criminals, a victim of the economy, a victim of government. Prepping for me is like fighting. I may not win the fight, but I’m not going to stop fighting.


I appreciate this. Fear won’t help you work out. Planning and goal setting does.


I began prepping on the day of the Russian invasion in Ukraine. Being Italian, the idea of a potential nuclear escalation spurred me to take all possible measures to safeguard my family. The studies regarding the consequences of a nuclear winter on the future of humanity are overwhelmingly bleak, often depicting a scenario where the global population is reduced to a mere 10, 000 survivors. These numbers can be disheartening, but as I see it, no matter how slim, a prepper's chances of survival are certainly greater than zero.


I love the thought that prepping is really just going back and living like our fore-families lived!


Hey Kris, I'll be running a half marathon on June 10, but it's really just in preparation for running a full marathon in August. I'm 64 and I have MS, but I'm definitely NOT just letting things happen to me! I'm a prepper living in a small city, so I really appreciate your channel. Thanks for all you do!


Now there is common sense! Thanks for that. I’m in Canada. My kids live in Alberta, which is basically on fire right now. I’m in Nova Scotia which has already had as many wildfires this year as we had all last year. There are a lot of downed trees from the hurricane and we’ve had record low precipitation so far. While the well is still mostly full, and we might get more rain, I’m not counting on it. I’m saving water while I can, making sure that the washing is always up to date, thinking through the chores that require water and making sure they are done. Since I live in the middle of the boreal forest, I’m cleaning my car and packing my go bags in it. My insurance paperwork lives under the spare tire. I can’t stop a fire from happening but I can plan my run away routes. (one involves my canoe and the Atlantic). For me, prepping is knowing what my most likely shtf scenarios are and not worrying about the rest. Zombies, aliens and emps are far less likely to come for me than hurricanes and forest fires.


I have been prepping since the early 80's. Back then we were called " Survivalists", nuts, paranoid, etc. Nice to see that it is mainstream now. I was an Army combat soldier during the Cold War, which taught me to be ready for whatever is going to happen. We are still prepping, my wife and I, even today! This channel is one of the best that I have seen over the years. Thank you Chris for all your hard work and informative videos!


I start preparing after Hurricane Katrina. Stay or bug out. Those are the choices I have to make. So far my spiritual discernment has been on point. Thank God!! Be a Noah, it is not yet pouring rain. However it is sprinkling.


"A goal without a plan is just a dream." 😮 I needed to hear that
