EMW2023: From Product to Impact: Data Management in Green Inclusive Finance

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Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) have the potential to support vulnerable populations with climate-smart products, enhancing resilience and improving access to basic infrastructure. As climate events pose portfolio risks, prioritizing resilience strategies for the sector is crucial. Developing green financial products requires addressing challenges: market understanding, needs assessment, establishing partnerships, and impact monitoring. This session brings MFIs, investors, and policymakers together to discuss climate risk products, impact data management tools, and the latest taxonomies. Fundecooperación para el Desarrollo Sostenible from Costa Rica and MiCrédito from Nicaragua will share experiences and tools in their resilience roadmap.

Natalia Realpe Carrillo, HEDERA Sustainable Solutions GmbH
Michel Hanouch, CGAP
Marianella Feoli Pena, Fundecooperacion para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Veronica Herrera, MiCredito
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