Animating Boid Systems in Blender: Using the autokey function (Ft. Spyderfy add-on)

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Hey Everyone! In this video I show one of my favorite ways to animate boid particle simulations in Blender 3d. By using the autokey function on the goal for your boid system you can more easily see what your final result will be without too much experimentation. Enjoy and let us know what you would like to see next!

Our Blender Add-ons:

"The “Spyderfy” add-on is a powerful tool that allows filmmakers and 3d Artists to add customizable bug boid systems to the scene with several clicks! With its assets and intuitive user interface menu, it provides the ability to add various creature boid particle systems with animated 3d assets attached! The Spyderfy add-on for Blender 3d is a great tool for adding unique bug effects or even just to add some life to your renders! You can now create bug systems for your live-action films and 3d art within minutes!"
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Hey Everyone! In this video I show one of my favorite ways to animate boid particle simulations in Blender 3d. By using the autokey function on the goal for your boid system you can more easily see what your final result will be without too much experimentation. Enjoy and let us know what you would like to see next!
Our Blender Add-ons:


hi i love your products, wanted to mention there is an add on for Unity game engine that does bird flocking and it allows details like controlling how often they soar, dive, etc, and also allows placement of targets where the birds will land and stand in idle anim for a bit and then fly off. it's really neat and affective and something similar would be awesome to use in blender, thanks for the great products!


Is there a more controlled way to create a path then using autokey function on the goal. My system is slow so the goal is all over the place as I try to move it during playback. It would be nice if I could just make curves and automatically assign birds/bugs to it without making keys. Just a thought. Very good tutorial! Maybe another?


hello. Please does anyone know if this plugin is not compatible with Blender 3.5 thank you very much.


Camera image not rendering in Eevee or Cycles. Help...


Is it possible to make birds fly the vortex type path, with inbuilt settings of spyderfy?) Thank you in advance for answer.


Hey Brad, I see you use 2.91.2 making this video. Is it still better on Mac? I found it more easy to work with on my Mac, less crashes.


Instead of existing birds or insects, can we use ours?


I got ''Traceback error most recent call last'' with your addons. How can I fix it? I asked you on blender market but you didn't reply.
