Why Apple Should Replace Google and Amazon in the Home

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Rumor has it Apple just may be introducing their own, Tile-like tags later this year. Ones that we’ll be able to use to locate things like our keys, wallets, and bags, as easily as we find our friends and devices today. In the exact same, soon-to-be-unified app, as a matter of fact.

And I’m seriously into this because it seems like an ideal application of Apple’s user experience, privacy, and security oriented product model.

But, it also got me thinking: What other accessories could likewise benefit from that exact same approach? From getting first-party Apple versions onto the market?

Google has WiFi and owns Nest and Dropcam. Amazon owns Eero, Ring, and Blink, and has invested in ecobee.

Those are all functionally great products but, routers aside, ones that, since acquisition, have all conveniently delayed or abandoned support for Apple’s HomeKit.

Which, yeah, I still think should be rebranded to Apple Home.

Ring may actually get that support and soon, but even if and when it does, there are still staggering privacy concerns when it comes to Amazon and Google products.

And, again, there are probably other acquisitions I’ve missed or forgotten.

Amazon has had several repeated scandals involving everything from Echo to Ring and Google has just subsumed Nest fully into its own account system, removing the last firewall privacy-conscious customers had between their data and Google’s insatiable appetite.

Apple is by no means perfect in the bug department, far from it, but there’s a huge difference between a bug and deliberate behavior, and between the business and policy models of these companies.

So, I’d argue, there’s a giant, gaping, glaring hole in the market for customers, especially and including existing Apple customers, who truly want privacy-first products in our homes.

Now, yes, Apple can’t make everything from everybody. A thousand nos for every yes, and all that. Currently, Apple is happy to leave all the kit for their home to third-party partners. Apple, the integrated, top to bottom, full stack, whole widget company is happy leaving the home, perhaps the place we need privacy and security the most, to the modular approach.

So much so, they’ve already killed the AirPort routers. Which, fair enough.

Despite their enormous size, there’s just a limit to how many products a focus-centric company can focus on at any given time. Just look at their struggles to get everything from Macs to AirPods out in a timely fashion.

But, for the sake of this video, let’s just assume Apple *could* find enough focus for first-party home accessories, just like they can for the Mac mouse and keyboard, and audio gear from HomePod to AirPods to Beats.

Maybe they even get a jumpstart by buying the equivalent of a Beats… if there are any left out there to buy. Whatever. Regardless.

If, super giant sized if — Hit subscribe, hurricanrana that bell gizmo so you don’t miss any future videos — these are the Apple Home products I’d love to see… along with some recs on what you can currently use instead.



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People from Apple should be watching Rene.
Simply the best.


I've been watching your videos for months and the amount of time and effort you put in to make your videos more visually appealing and informative is amazing! I love your videos... Keep making them!


This is a real channel. Great, balanced, well-researched, knowledgeable, non-inflammatory and friendly. Rene & The Team (if there is one), Bravo on the excellent videos! Journalists, bloggers, media outlets can learn a lot from you.


Nailed it.. Apple IS a hardware company over a software company IMO ... They could easily create a monster revenue stream by creating home devices (cameras etc).. I would replace all my nest stuff..


Love how Siri actually what I mean when I say “hey, Siri off everything”

While Alexa just says I don’t have a room called everything

And love his Siri actually works securely with only working with pretrained voices but google and Alexa both take commands from anyone say what they want

So Siri is the only one that would keep your garage door or house door from unlocking for strangers but with google or Alexa you could have someone come up to your door and tell your google or Alexa sitting inside your house to unlock the door so they can come inside you to rob you


The best way to make smart home things like lights and plugs as secure as possible would be to completely secure the WiFi network they all run on. In my opinion, Apple NEEDS to get back into the router business if they want to take a solid stance on privacy and security in the smart home era.


Thank you Rene, you always do such a great job with your videos, very informative and very original.


I 100% agree, I install smart home products for my clients and I don’t have any smart home products myself due to massive security concerns. If Apple were to release competitors in this market I would buy them in a heartbeat


Why Apple shouldn't replace Google and Amazon in the home. 2 reasons, Siri and price disparity between Google, Amazon and Apple products...I give you Homepod and Apple TV.


Rene, can you please do a video on why companies are not supporting HomeKit?
There’s so much debate on “Why” this is the case: Apple makes it too difficult to develop for HomeKit OR Developers are just too lazy or cheap to develop for HomeKit.
I’d REALLY love to hear your take on this.


Ease-of-use and aesthetics used to be my main reasons for buying out the stuff, but privacy has become the number one reason. And at this point I don’t even care about price considering there’s basically no other options if you care about privacy


I thought apple was really already with tile because of the short cut . But I didn’t know that with a Mac you can unlock with your watch being near that’s amazing. Tbh I wish apple would create a way to give us this extension of the ecosystem to a window laptop . Not possible but like I can dream


So much of what you say is true. I certainly wish that Apple had purchased Dropcam instead of Google. Apple HomeKit is a terrific service and many of the products are great. But there certainly is room for improvement in terms of linking the products to HomeKit and like you said all of the privacy concerns that come along with products made by other companies. Thankfully my main HomeKit device is light switches from Lutron. At least they don’t care when I turn my lights on and off.


The problem is not enough people care about their privacy because they don’t think losing it will ever hurt them just like the people who push for other to be banned from social media and then complain when they themselves get banned.


You are getting WAY ahead of yourself. Apple should “focus” on getting HomeKit to work properly for more than two days before creating new physical things.


I'm about to buy my first home and I love the idea of kitting it out with modern locks, cameras, lights and thermostats that are all integrated with my tech, but I simply won't do it until Apple has built a framework centred around privacy that third party vendors can build upon. There really is a gap in the market here and I, like you Rene, sincerely hope Apple sees this opportunity and grasps it for the sake of their customers.


So from the Airport line-up to the HomePod... what a mistake. I hope Apple makes modem/routers again, the gateway to the internet in the home.


I really like your videos. Not because I agree with what you say, but because I love to hear other people's opinions and thoughts.


Hope Apple watched this, really great ideas for especially security cameras. Would love to see a HomePod style sound bar for TV


How about a new “Airport” with Siri support, that works as a HomeKit hub? That’d be great.
Maybe it could look something like a HomePod, only with horns (antennae).
The August locks are great, they need more finish options and better battery options.
I’m dubious about  venturing into other areas rapidly, privacy concerns need to be weighed properly.
