What Makes Pentesters Happy? 🎉 10% OFF & €5000 Hamster Chase at LAB401.com!

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Get ready, pentesters!
Sadly the flipper zero products are not included in this promotion, but you can upgrade your toolkit with the latest pentesting gear like the tinysa, nanoVNA, pi KVM V4plus, kraken SDR, and more.
Explore HAK5 gadgets like the Chameleon Ultra or go classic with the Proxmark3 RDV4.
Don't miss out on LAB401's curated Pentester Packs!

But that's not all!
If you catch it, €200 will be added to your LAB401 account and you'll be free to spend it on any product you like!
We're giving away a total of €5000 during this event.

Don't miss out on these amazing deals and your chance to win big.
LAB401—your trusted pentesting tools distributor, always offering the best service and the best prices!
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