Dollar General Dollar Deals Shelf Organization | October 2024 (Soft Spoken)

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Nail Color: one coat of Orly rubberized base coat, two coats of Mooncat nail polish, "Sin Eater," and one coat of Sally Hansen Big Kwik Dry top coat.

In this video, we'll be making the "Dollar Days" aisle in Dollar General look lovely! I hope you enjoy it. :)


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1. No, I don't work there. I already have a day job, and it's not this.
2. No, the employees don't ask me what I'm doing. People in the real world don't care about what I'm doing in Dollar General anywhere near as much as people in the YouTube comment section. A lady holding up a phone and talking to herself is probably the most tame thing they see in any given shift at the DG.
3. No, the one employee doesn't get excited when I walk in. They're too busy running the store with no help to pay any attention to me. Also, I'm not in any particular store often enough to become a "regular" in any way.
4. No, my arm doesn't get tired from holding the phone like that.
5. No, I will not strap on a GoPro to make these videos. That would look super weird and is not something I care to do.
6. No, I didn't place that thing incorrectly or miss that one thing in the back just to bother you.
7. Yes, I probably should find something better to do. Perhaps I can spend my time watching someone do this on YouTube.
8. No, I don't know how long it's going to be before I do another one of those videos that you like better than this, but I'm sure it's coming soon.
9. No, I don't want to whisper these videos. Even for me, that feels weird and uncomfortable.
10. No, I really don't care what other people think when they see me doing this.
11. They aren't paying a bunch of people to sit and watch me on the security camera, so no, they're not discussing what I'm doing.
12. Yes, I truly do this because it makes me happy.
13. No, I don't have OCD.
14. No, the employees never thank me for doing this. I doubt they ever even noticed.
15. Saying "flavor" rather than "scent" is a running joke. People complained about it, so I will now do it for all of eternity.
16. No, no one in the store has ever offered me a job after seeing me do this.
17. Yes, I'm serious when I say that nobody in the store cares. I can't stress enough that NO ONE CARES.
Now that that's settled, we can sit back and just enjoy the video. 😊 ❤


I went to my Dollar Tree after a stressful day and organized the soap and candles. I couldn't have been happier 😊
They did, however actually thank me, said come back anytime.


I've only recently started watching your shelf organization videos and oh my goodness, instant addiction. There is something so perfectly satisfying in watching such a warm and funny lady doing this, I love it.


14:50 "they can't support themselves too well. just like my x husband" 🤣🤣


I have been watching these videos since 2021 after I lost my childern father. I have horrible anxiety and massive panic attacks after me and my kids lost him. I came across you a month after he passed and I wanna say from the bottom of my heart thank you mary for these organized videos ❤️❤️ you help more than you know ❤️❤️


Im from Australia lets all pray for the victims of the hurricane milton in this difficult time. Peace be unto them and there families.


An hour of soft spoken shelf organization?! Perfection!


I couldn’t wait untill you posted one of these videos again, I refuse to watch anyone else😂. Just started watching you two months ago and you’re my favorite YouTuber❤.


Most incredible thing about all those, is you do it with one hand


I am very stressed listening to the wind hit my windows in fl right now. I’m glad you posted my fav series on your channel 😌😌😌


Facing hurricane Milton, here in the central part of Florida on the coast. I know there’s a lot of trauma in the southeast including North Carolina and Georgia. Prayers for all and Mary this video will help more than you could ever know.❤❤


As someone who worked in a store where I had to straighten all the time, I actually would have loved if a customer did this.


Mary, these are my absolute favorite videos you make and trust me, I needed it today. Thank you for all you do for people everywhere! 💖


Thank you so much for these videos. I watch them with my 5 year old son when he wants to relax in bed with me, which isn't very often these days! He loves them and so do I.

P.S. I really, really, really love your snarkiness. "This box is about as stable as my I didn't tell you which one."


I love that by the middle of the video you have identified some spots for specific items and it becomes like a memory game. I just get excited when I see a soap and think Oh that goes with the bunch at top left 😂


I love that you say the medication names (generic and name brand). Especially right now because I have the second day of clinicals for my Medication Aide class tomorrow. Kind of like a little review of a couple of the common meds. 😊😊 You have the best videos.


It fascinates me to see so many things for only $1. 😮 I'd give anything to have this where i live.
I honestly thought about getting someone to buy me 50 items but then i think, well shipping would cost at least 849 dollars. Lol 🤣🤣


Thank you for doing these videos Mary. It helps settle me before sleep💚


Your brain is incredible! Please keep being you!


33:08-33:10 😂😂😂 “a fly swatter I’ll put you in line” I am cracking up!!! That was perfectly aligned with the wizard spray thingy
