M&S Shwopping - Joanna Lumley Interview - Marks and Spencer 2012

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We're starting a fashion revolution. It's called shwopping.
Interview with Joanna:
I'm excited by the idea of shwopping. It's about getting customers to recycle unwanted clothes every time they shop at M&S. Bring in something old, buy something new. Swap and shop.
You see the thing about shopping or, kind of going shopping, a lot of people use it as something...a kind of feeling of a change in their life, they want a change, they want something to happen.
You know you've bought something, you don't really need more of it. But if you've got rid of something, nature abhors a vacuum - so you feel you've got to buy something. Well that's brilliant on the retail side of it, because it means that you give something away and you automatically want to feel rewarded.
Tragic. You know when it's time to shwop.
The idea that you haven't hoarded, you've simply exchanged - you've simply shwopped, I think it's brilliant. Very exciting.
So the whole sense of bringing stuff back to M&S is not alien, you're quite used to coming into M&S with a bag because it might be something that you want to exchange for a different size, or somebody has given you something in a colour that doesn't suit you and you want to swap it for another thing. To people coming into M&S with stuff, this is something that is a tradition already.
I want shwopping to become as normal as - really, like putting a bottle in a bottle bank.
The idea that throwing things away is bad has crept into all our minds, we know it's bad to throw stuff away. Shwopping has come along just at the right time, we don't feel bad, we feel good about it. So you're kind of throwing things away but only into Shwop Drops - that's the only throwing away you're doing with clothes. It's all re-used, it's all recycled, it all comes round again.
The truth is, nothing leaves this planet, everything we are, is made from what we used to be. So let's keep it turning round, quicker, with shwopping.