Tesla FSD 12 Underrated Feature!

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In this video, I talk about a new feature with Tesla's FSD Beta 12 software that is not getting talked about. It's called Automatic Speed Set Offset. This is a feature that I believe will be key to full driving autonomy.

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Why is no1 talking about the hard braking too early before a stop sign then slowly crawls to the stop sign


With this feature, the scroll wheel speed control may no longer may be available, but I have found that in cases where I feel it is moving too slow, if I press on the accelerator pedal, it seems to allow you to adjust up to that new speed.


37 in a 25 on “average” setting (and still accelerating, but I cancelled it at that point). Good thing there weren’t any cop patrols around.


Please note there is a main limitation about this feature. It works great on city streets. However, as V12 is NOT the version stack that is used on the highway (supposedly until summer) this option does not work on highway. What they did it have it set a few miles over the speed limit on highway for now. For instance on 65mph in chill it will go 68…in average it goes 72 and assertive 75. There is no setting to adjust this. For this reason I am still using percentage, as although I like this on city streets, on highway I still need to adjust manually. They should have kept the percentage in use for highway until the stack moves there but they didn’t and I don’t like to change highway every time it hits a new speed sign.


We did a 170 mile drive the other day using V12 and FSD Beta with my profile set to “Chill”. It worked well. Kept up with traffic and never drove faster than I thought it should.
A couple of breakouts for two exits the car ignored. And one where the car did not slow as much as it should for rain-slick decreasing radius turn.
This is the most impressive improvement in FSD Beta in the two years we’ve had the car.


I used FSD to drive from my home in Northern Wisconsin to the Minneapolis Auto Show two hours away this weekend. It did a wonderful job. I’m somewhat unfamiliar with the heavier traffic and roads in urban Minnesota and it was the most comfortable drive in my life. It’s a bit timid at stop signs with cross traffic but “goosing the throttle” a tad lets the cameras see better and make a more assertive decision. It drives like me when I was 25 years old. (I’m a 59 year old UPS semi truck driver with 3, 000, 000 safe driving miles.)


Tesla should use your videos to train new Tesla owners on the features of their EV.


The issue lies in the navigation data lacking accurate speed limits. When I drive along a particular road, the speed it selects varies based on my approach direction. For instance, if I’m heading south and then turn onto the road, it displays a 35 MPH limit. However, if I’m traveling east and continue straight, it shows a 45 MPH limit. The actual problem is that the road itself has a 25 MPH limit, and the correction only occurs halfway down the street when I encounter a sign. Ideally, speed limits should be integrated into the navigation data, but they can still be overridden by physical signs.


My '24MX just updated to V12 last night - one drive in with ASSO on, seemed to work quite well! Open clear vis road, went about 10-12% over, but also slowed for tight turns. Approaching a RR crossing, V11 would just plow through at the set speed, V12 with ASSO slowed to 5mph to cross, amazing. Deceleration for stop sign/lights is as it was, stops too soon imo, i nudge the pedal a bit. Multilane freeway, matched traffic speed. Next drive this aft going to try that scroll wheel to see if there really is a delayed response, up or down, that was a great observation in an earlier comment. Shame we lost TACC in this update, sometimes I just want speed control and not auto-steer.


V12.3 👍, ASO 👺. In our city driving on V12.3, the ASO either drives like an old man (27 mph in a 35 mph) or just fast enough to get a speeding ticket (43 in a 35). ASO creeps along on 25 mph streets at 21-32 but in posted school zones it flys at 35 in a 20. It is annoying that Tesla engineers turned off the ability to use the scroll wheels, since human intervention in areas where V12.3 cannot figure out the speed means I have to disengage FSD to correct when it is too slow. I have tried all three driving styles (Chill → Standard → Assertive) and the speed results are crazy random on the same roads.... Needs improvement and scroll wheels activated...


it wants to drive 10 over. that’s ticket speed here. it also reads speed limit signs on some of the service roads and slams on the brakes. Maybe there aren't enough Teslas in the part of Florida where I live to share data, but the phantom braking and it trying to drive on golf cart paths has me ready to give it up for a while


Enjoyed the vid! Yes we need a high level of confidence. Your contribution is helping! 😎🚀


I like way you explain the topic you are discussing. Wish everyone would do the same. FEATURE—BENEFIT—ADVANTAGE. Examples would be FSD and the speed offset item. Basically, what is it, how is it convenient and how will it make you feel.


I set this feature using FSD for the current (April 2024) free trial - based on the recommendation here. When I got on the highway during a light/moderate steady rain, it would not go faster than 65 (speed limit 75). The rest of traffic was going around 75, so it was too cautious for my liking - and actually a little unsafe as other cars passed me at elevated relative speed.


I have been using 12.3 since the weekend. In my experience the car has a tendency to slowly drop speed to 5 MPH below the speed limit. My profile is on assertive. When I use manual off set speed say 15% above the speed it works for a bit after a few minutes it goes back to 5MPH below speed limit. For now I have to ride the accelerator and that is the most annoying regression. 12.3.1 is supposed to fix this issue.


Manual speed adjustments work when on the freeway even with ASLO selected. I routinely move between Chill, Standard and Assertive as I drive.


The scroll wheel down still works, once scrolled down you can scroll back up to whatever the auto offset was. It takes a few seconds to kick in. Try it next time out.


I drove texas to Chicago on Fsd and was very impressed....never would i use fsd in Chicago but it did better then good


I didn’t like it the first time, but it is growing on me. The scroll wheel does work on “ASS-O” but it is a bit delayed and it is more directional. If you scroll down repeatedly, the car will literally stop a few seconds later.


Checked the software page on my '24 Model Y dual motor and I don't see any options to install FSD.
