Hydration Multiplier: 5 Ways to Make Your Water Healthier

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Hydration is key to feeling your best! Water makes up about 60% of our bodies, and staying hydrated can improve digestion, boost energy levels, and even enhance skin health.


Want to make your water even healthier — without all those expensive powders and drops?
Check out these 5 easy ways to upgrade your water!

Quick Timestamps:
(0:00) Intro
(0:54) Add minerals
(2:25) Add fresh citrus juice
(3:56) Apple cider vinegar
(5:32) A pinch of baking soda
(7:26) Herbal teas
(9:10) Summary
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**Disclaimer: This video is for informational and educational purposes only. This is the internet. This is not your doctor’s office. This video is NOT medical advice. If you have any concerns about your health, you should see your Doctor immediately. Consult your doctor before making any health changes. Although we show results from our program members, please keep in mind that results vary by individual. We cannot and do not guarantee you will get the same results by choosing to follow any of our programs, supplements, or strategies.
Рекомендации по теме

Herbal combinations are tremendous!!! Thank you Doc !!!!


Great video.
Incredible when we drink and eat right we are so much healthier.
God bless you richly.
Thank you for sharing this important information.
Have a great day.
Greetings from Toronto Canada.


My fave salt is Redmond Real Salt. Also I like to put a good electrolyte powder in my morning water.


Back in the 90s, Twin Lab used to make a product called something like Glucose Fuel. You were supposed to add something like a tablespoon or two to your water so you could stay hydrated during hot weather, cardio activities, etc. It basically looked and tasted like corn syrup. Was there anything to that or was that just another one of those Gotcha Sucker products that so many of us took back then.


How much sea salt should you put into your water each morning? Would it be based on body weight? Asking for my wife and myself!


Any thoughts on hydrogen infused water? I started drinking a canned water that has hydrogen. I feel like it is making a difference. I chug it right in the morning.. just curious what your thoughts are on that. Seeing a lot more circulating on the Internet, but it’s hard to know if it’s placebo or science


Is this a copy paste of one of your previous videos? No disrespect if it is, I'm just not 100% sure if this has any new info.
