Python program to count Vowels using for loop & list comprehension

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In this video, you will learn how to count vowels in a string using for loop, list comprehension, ASCII value and string methods in python.

Python provides multiple ways to count vowels in a given string, we will learn all four methods in this tutorial. last 2 method will see in next part of this video
1. for loop and if condition
2. string method (in condition with for loop)
3. ASCII value condition
4. list comprehension in python

In this video you will learn:
- what is vowel and consonant in English or string
- how to read input from user in python
- how to use for loop for iteration in python
- count number of vowels in a string
- in condition with for loop in python
- ord() method in Python
- list comprehension in python
- ASCII value condition
- len() function
- for loop

- ord() function return an integer representing the Unicode code
- List Comprehensions provides an easy way to create new list based on existing lists.

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