Elementary opening soundtrack [EXTENDED]

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I think its an underrated show and Jonny Lee miller must be recognized for his exceptional portrayal of Sherlock Holmes


What I like about Elementary is the relationship between Joan and Sherlock- he admits to his own mistakes and while he's a stubborn bastard, he's there for her when he needs to be. He also admits to the fact she's clever and good at solving these cases, and even to the fact he needs her! Just, wow, this sort of healthy friendship is too rare on TV, especially between a male and a female character.


One of the best TV themes written in a long time! And one of the best shows too.


I have never seen so many Elementary fans in one place. It's good to know not everyone blindly hates it :]


This extended theme is by far better than the 30 second tease we get each night Elementary comes on.  Thank you for this.


I love love love this show. I don't care how much people want to compare this with Sherlock. It's like comparing vanilla gelato with beef wellington. It's like trying to decide which of your children you love the most. Which is better, the moon, or the sun? LOve Sherlock, love Joan, love detective Bell, love them all.


It's nice to finally hear the whole song instead of waiting 54 minutes between the time of the opening music and the credits :)


The universal rule of Sherlock Holmes adaptations: The music can, will, and *must* absolutely fucking slap!


people don't like this, or the series? Then there must be something wrong with them on both counts. The series is beyond epic and this extended mix of a really great theme tune is equally epic. Really; some of the people on should get a grip!


I absolutely love this series! The relationship between Joan and sherlock is done so well, they have this balanced dynamic that you can see develop especially well during the first season and the spin with Watson being a women instead of a man really puts a nice modern twist set in new York instead of generic old London (btw I live here so it gets boring seeing the same setting used over and over) while I loved reading the original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle books and watching sherlock I felt like this had a such a good momentum going for it, the mysteries are complex and fun to try and figure out on your own showing off modern murders since they can be more complex due to the evolution of science. All in all why this show had such a bad reputation really intrigues me, maybe it's coz it's not exactly the same sherlock homes we know or maybe it's coz we get to actually see some character development with him showing that he can change and how he needs to admit he does need Watson with him at times and how he wants to try harder with the human in him, it's quite relatable with those who are drug addicts (perhaps only slightly relatable). This is also one of the few show to perfectly put in an animal and not have it overstep it's boundaries in the plot but still have it humorously hide in the background ie that map where Clyde was a vehicle. One last thing I promise, the police isn't shown to be incompetent ass holes! well sometimes they're shown to be asses but only power hungry or negligence types. The police are seen to have a more prominent role showing off what they want to do and how to help.


Youtube is a magical place to keep all these things.


Idc if a lot people dislike this show. Obviously enough show for the show to get renewed for a Season 5!!! I dont see why people feel like they have to compare this to BBC's Sherlock. I watch them both and I love them both, but I dont compare them to each other. Even though they are both based off of the Sherlock Holmes novels they are both very different and they both are equally brilliant


This is the best possible way to make music out of the essence of Sherlock Holmes's soul. This is what I think of when I think Sherlock Holmes. Its so geniusly mad.


i like both sherlock and elementary. elementary has new, innovative stories to tell and not just modernized versions of sir arthur conan doyle's work


2:38 Thats what you've been waiting for...


One of the few theme songs I *never* skip through! Thank you for this extended version!


A shoutout to everyone who doesn't hate elementary (doesn't matter if you love Sherlock) I LOVE YOU GUYS :)


I hum this down the hall after being in my Forensics class


You really can't compare this show with Sherlock - they're both so awesome yet so different. The score is driving, suspenseful and very action-oriented in Elementary, and extremely cool, while Sherlock's themes are UNBELIEVABLY catchy and capture the characters as opposed to the suspense of the cases as Elementary does.


Great show. Good character interaction, perfect casting, brilliant script, fantastic theme tune. It is the only one I listen too rather than skip ahead.
