Exposing a False Prophet | Re'eh | Aliyah 3

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Identifying a Fase Prophet | Re'eh | Aliyah 3

The Aliyah a Day is an in depth daily study of the weekly Torah portion (from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) according to the daily readings. Rabbi Griffin shares insights to the Torah portion from ancient Jewish sources which include the Talmud, Midrash, Zohar, Rambam, Rashi, Rabbeinu Bachya, Ramban, and many other commentators. #LapidJudaism

@Lapid Judaism is an end time movement of believers returning to a Torah-true Judaism centered on the belief that Yeshua is the promised Messiah of Israel. Lapid represents a return to the religion of the Messiah which was and is traditional Judaism.

Your generous donations keep the Aliyah a Day going out to the world! Text to Give: (817) 859-6613.

Baruch HaShem, may the Ahavat Ammi (Love for my people) grow. We forever give praise and thanks to HaShem Who has given us Yeshua (ישוע), the Rock of our lives (Tzur Chayeinu / צור חיינו), He is the Messiah (Moshiach / משיח) of Israel!! We very much appreciate the important work of Rabbi Tovia Singer, of Outreach Judaism, and specifically his revealing of the deceptions of Paul who was a false apostle. #rabbitoviasinger ~ This is the true beit haderekh for anyone seeking the real gospel!
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Good morning lapidnix from montacito ca.thankyou Rabbi


If it's not Torah, it's not HaShem. PERIOD.


What do you mean by no rabbinic ordination?


Shalom Rabbi! Please forgive us for missing this live class! Toda Rabah!


Knowing that I am not a perfect person and that I make mistakes often, I am thankful that Hashem doesn't expect us to uphold the law perfectly in every way. I try, but I fall short more often than I want to. Thankfully, I am improving in my observance and my walk, but I am not there yet.


That class would attract a ton of folks


I really found the humor in this one today 😅 hilarious!

So kinda tied in with the Jews adding and taking away things in the scriptures, what about how people use the Dead Sea Scrolls/Septuagint to back up that claim? Like, “Look, all these books agree but then the Masoretic doesn’t line up, so it’s the Masoretic that’s been tampered with.” Help! lol


When Yeshua tells the man He heals at the well to go and sin no more lest something worse happens to him. I often wonder if He’s referencing eternal life because really the man couldn’t walk. It had to be terrible especially during the first century. 🤔🤔


It is no accident that the next Aliyah is about kashrut.


Yes, you should absolutely do that class!


9:00 At least things like that of which took place between men & women out in the open in public at Woodstock and the whole 'hippie' & 'free love' movements are unheard of in such a way these days. 🙈🤷🏼‍♀️


Rabbi, thank you so much, I enjoy and appreciate your insight! I’d love some advice if you come across this …. This topic needs to be preached more than anything else to this generation. It’s the most common falsely taught belief that I see people debating these days. “ It is finished” is used to teach that all the law has passed away at the crucifixion of Christ through grace. They are taught to tune out scripture that doesn’t align with the falsehood that we are free to sin under grace! I try to reason that this belief would mean that Christ bled in vain to pay the wages for our sins against Him, yet condones our living IN THEM. How can one believe His coming to teach us how to live a righteous life, suffering the cross for us, was suddenly meaningless and sin was made acceptable through His death? It’s like a parent giving their life by diving in front of a Mac truck to save their child from sure death through harmful behavior, yet the moral of the story is lost on the child! They apparently don’t understand that until He forgave and paid for our sins we had no hope. That hope comes only through loving Him enough to develop a true desire to “follow Him” by learning from His example. “Fallowing Christ” has taken on a whole new meaning ….as you know, its widely believed that He died so that we can be saved IN our sins rather than FROM them and without consequence, where repentance has no purpose or conditions for forgiveness. How do you reach this level of incoherence to even begin to explain this nonsensical irony to those with this belief? Seems they can’t wrap their minds around the simple fact that salvation is free but is also conditional in that, among other things, we have to follow the ways of Christ rather than rely solely on the belief that He is real. And…if not, His teachings are as pointless as the need is for salvation. It’s so popular in this generation that it’s terrifying to think of the numbers that love the idea of a God but have this convenient falsehood so deeply ingrained in them that it can’t be moved. I fear that so many will remain lost if this twist of scripture isn’t quickly rectified. The absurdity that any pastor can teach such nonsense to our youth both saddens and angers me!! We are all a work in progress but these things should be a no brainer❤ It’s so far beyond irrational that so many pastors actually teach this critical error, it’s become an epidemic of disease in the church. It’s such a contradiction to common sense you’d think it would speak volumes to the ears of the “enlightened” Any advice you may have is appreciated as I am eager to help dispel this fatal error. Thank you and God bless you!!


Even jesus raised a stone that anyone who didnt sin take the stone and stone the woman.. that abolish the law made by moses to stone someone


Law of stoning is not included to law of god


Boker tov Rabbi thank you for your alijah, from the UK


A true profit will teach one to deviate from or turn away from Torah.


Yeshua didn’t come to change the Law of God or to abolish It, but rather to fulfill It! He Himself said so. A true believer in Yeshua keeps the Law of the God of Israel. Whatever applies to him/her including keeping Sabbath and the Holy Festivals and eating kosher! The Law is eternal ! Don’t put the Hebrew roots people in the same box with the other so called Christian denominations!
