Kubernetes styled CI/CD tool

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Speaker: Harshad Reddy Nalla
In the container world, the emphasis is on the easy build and ship. CI/CD for the container tools should also work on a similar principle of easy build and deploy. Many of the CI/CD tools present are designed before the existence of cloud-native paradigms which makes it difficult to run in containerized environments like Kubernetes. OpenShift Pipelines builds upon the Tekton project to enable Kubernetes-style delivery pipelines that remove the need to rely on central teams to maintain and manage a CI server and can fully control and own the complete lifecycle of their microservices. Utilizing the power of Openshift Pipelines and Tekton trigger we have designed and implement our own Thoth-CI to facilitate the projects which have multi-namespace microservice architecture.
This talk is about how our ci/cd tool is providing ease to the developer to work on source code and not worry about deploying the project to containerized environments and its configuration.
In the container world, the emphasis is on the easy build and ship. CI/CD for the container tools should also work on a similar principle of easy build and deploy. Many of the CI/CD tools present are designed before the existence of cloud-native paradigms which makes it difficult to run in containerized environments like Kubernetes. OpenShift Pipelines builds upon the Tekton project to enable Kubernetes-style delivery pipelines that remove the need to rely on central teams to maintain and manage a CI server and can fully control and own the complete lifecycle of their microservices. Utilizing the power of Openshift Pipelines and Tekton trigger we have designed and implement our own Thoth-CI to facilitate the projects which have multi-namespace microservice architecture.
This talk is about how our ci/cd tool is providing ease to the developer to work on source code and not worry about deploying the project to containerized environments and its configuration.
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