How To Fix a 3-Way Switch System

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Thanks so much for doing a 3 way tutorial like you had before Bill. The best on Youtube.


Basically an electrician Scotty Kilmer


I watched a whole bunch of YouTube videos on three way switches but none helped me to fix mine until I watched yours. You are the best. Thanks!


I watched at least 10 videos on how to wire a three way switch. None could address the problem I had. Then I watched yours, and for me it was the continuity test that identified my red and black traveler wires! I performed the test exactly as you showed it and the nightmare is finally over! 🙂 Thank you so much!!


Sir, you do a great job of explaining these electrical procedures. I think your one of the best on youtube. Keep them coming.


At last after 31 years! I finally understand & can fix how the original installer crossed wires in the basement 3-way switches controlling 4 lights fixtures. THANK YOU SPARKY!!


Quite possibly the best 3-way switch troubleshooting explanation around. Bill, you really make identifying and correcting the problem very intuitive.


Thank you Sparky. I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. I was able to follow along, find the line wire, test for continuity of the travelers and then isolate the load wire. Turned on the power and it works!


This was the RIGHT way to teach this, i fixed 3 in one day thanks to this video and advice to just pull all the wires out and start marking them. One thing I don't agree with you about ---because of the cost - - is your recommendation to buy that expensive "Hot" detector pen. Instead, just use a Multimeter set on the 200 AC voltage detection setting, and affix one lead on ground wire - while you touch the other lead on all the black wires till you find power coming through. Thats LINE. No need to buy an expensive pen to use once in your lifetime.


I have a simple set of rules: When Bill posts a video, I watch and while I am watching I take notes. I do not care how many years I have done this kind of work, I always consider myself a student. Bill is a wonderful teacher. :)


Nice step-by-step video. 41 years ago, an electrician taught me to find the line wire as you did with a meter or now a non-voltage tester. Here is the difference at this point... install the load wire to the load side of the switch the the two travelers, one each to each screw on the switch. With the other wires separated apart in the other box, now turn on the power and use a meter, one lead to ground and then touch the other lead to each of the wires one at a time while turning on and off the other line switch to find the two traveler wires with the remaining black wire being the load wire. You can do this test quicker by using a non-voltage tester to get the same results.


Thank you so much for these clear and easy-to-understand instructions! My house had FOUR three-way switch setups that were all wired wrong and I fixed them all with your help. Finally, the lights go on and off like they're supposed to!


Sparky always makes it look so easy and he explains in details as I am a detail-oriented individual. I always come back to refresh my trouble-shooting skill on 3-way switches after I haven't done a 3-way in a long time or when I have to fix a wrongly wired 3-way...


Watched 5 or 6 videos couldn’t figure it out and stumbled upon this one after giving up for a couple weeks. You explained everything perfectly. Thank you sir!


I battled with replacing my 3 way switches for several hours before stumbling on this page. Not only did I fix the problem, but I learned some really food information on electrical wiring. This was a great tutorial!! I’m now a faithful subscriber!!


I always had trouble figuring out how to fix a miss-wire in a 3-way switch, until now! Thank you Sparky. This is a great video and your demo was set up beautifully. I rewired 4 3-way switches for a customer today that hadn’t worked correctly for over 2 years. She was so happy.
I feel like a big boy now. Thumbs up to you.


Love how he made himself chuckle at the end testing/ playing with the switches. I have been studying this for weeks and he explained it better than anyone or thing.

The “why” of it all is so helpful


Thanks Sparky!

To anyone confused, just ignore the colors and follow the steps
I just fixed my long-standing problem (5+ years) by following this excellent guide
I had red/black/brown wires on one side and yellow/black/white on the other.
In my case, the red was line and the yellow was load.


Best advice I heard to date and I am deeply appreciative! Take all wires off! Get rid of the problem, take all the wire off and start fresh. Spent a whole lot of time and your technique made a huge savings. Thank You!


Even though I already knew how to do this, the video is so well done and explained I subscribed. There’s nothing better than an experienced tradesman explaining a process clearly and patiently. Thanks for representing!
