How hard is Cataclysm?

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How hard is Cataclysm?

Join me as I break down one of the most popular Extreme Demons in the game to see how hard it really is...


1. Pretty Easy About a Hard Demon Difficulty.

2. Sort of easy, Insane Demon Difficulty.

3. This is about Extreme Demon Difficulty.

4. Really Tough! About your average Extreme Demon Difficulty.

5. Way Above Your Average Extreme Demon!

6. Borderline impossible for the average player.

7. Impossible for the average player.

8. Humanly Impossible.

NOTE: There is no copyrighted content in this video because all of the footage is mine and the songs are allowed for use in videos.
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Finally a "How hard is" video that doesn't require a rating extension lol


I really like you doing levels within your skill level because it feels like you have more insight + the scores are generally way more accurate


so happy to see this great series back :)


I'm not proud of it, but I died over ten times to the piano section before beating this level. Some of the timings feel awkward as heck.


To me this level has always felt underrated since it fallen out of the top 10. I'd say it definitely deserves the extreme demon rating to this day.
Also i would say that the first part of the wave is about 3.0-3.5 but the second part is a 4.5 imo. The mini is super tight.


I've recently beaten cataclysm and I can confirm that this video is pretty accurate. I wanted to point out another hard part, the 73-74 ship after the dual. That part killed me like 5 times before I actually beat the level lol


The content I so desire is finally back.


I am attempting to beat cataclysm rn and this video is definitely helpful, ty for making this. It was also very similar to my own observations when practicing, so now I know what to expect. As a side note, personally I'm glad the hardest part is at the beginning and not the very end


If you want, I’m currently trying to beat Allegiance after like, 4K attempts so if you haven’t beat it and wanted to do a video on it, reply :3


I agree with you. The first wave is insanely annoying and whenever I pass it, I fail somewhere later because of the excitement of passing it.


Here are some things you guys really need to understand about Extreme Demons: When YouTubers beat them you think usually that they aren't struggling with them and they are easy, but in reality they are for the most part suffering and sometimes the level they are trying to beat is the limit of what they can do currently. NEVER EVER underestimate Extreme Demons, even if they are easy Extreme Demons


I want to see a "How hard is Falling Up?" video, that seems like it would be fun.


We've become desensitized to difficulty as a community nowdays. Guys, Cataclysm is freaking HARD. Just because to Zoink, Trick and Diamond (as an example) it's easy that doesn't mean It won't annihilate everybody else. I actually heard one guy say Cataclysm is mid-tier insane demon. As if we're still in version 1 and Riot never buffed it somehow


It does definitely vary based on refresh rate/device, even more so then with other levels. It is actually top 50 on the mobile list, above other extremes that are harder on PC (such as Electrolux, Niflheim, 666, etc). Good vid tho!


Welcome back, to the *original* this is how hard is


first cube is 1.0ish, the first wave for me is 3.5 as I feel it's very skill based, second ship is 3.6 the 2nd wave is 2.9ish, I actually found the ball pretty easy compared to other parts, so I'd give it a 3.1, the Ufo is brief but difficult, so I'll put it at a 3.3, the next ship corridor is quite awkward so I'll leave it at as a 3.7, the next cube is actually quite easy compared to the rest of the level in my opinion, so I have it as about 2.7. The next section is basically free, but I would say you are underrating it, since the memory ball isn't super free, so I'd put it as a 2.3. The last ship is a huge roadblock for 60 hz players like me. I'd say it's the hardest part by far, since how long the straight fly section is, so I'd put it at 3.5-4.5, depending on your hz, but I'd put it at 4.5 for me. The last section is pretty underrated in my opinion. It's definitely easier than the rest of the level, but it's still a challenge, so I'd put it at 2.6 because the last straight fly is a big chokepoint for 60hz players, so I raised it from a 2.3 to a 2.6. I guess this is just how the level difficulty differs by your hz.


Nice video! I’m actually trying to beat Cataclysm currently.


Honestly, the first 35% of the level were the biggest roadblock for me, which made the experience very frustrating. I loved playing from the UFO after the ball. If I got there from 0, I had a shot at completing the level.


You should do how hard is bloodbath next


Glad your're back! I like these where you do easy extremes. Maybe Possibly Thing or Thano next? ;)
