Option Rolling Strategy Is Free Money (How to ROLL Options for Beginners)

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𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞: I’m not a financial advisor. The information contained in this video is for entertainment purposes only. Before investing, please consult a licensed professional. Any stock purchases I show on video should not be considered “investment recommendations”. I shall not be held liable for any losses you may incur for investing and trading in the stock market in an attempt to mirror what I do. Unless investments are FDIC insured, they may decline in value and/or disappear entirely. Please be careful!
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ahha I've been loosing my cover calls and wound up buying them back for more money at a later date, you just showed me how to roll it without loosing it. Good job old chap


I've been following you for years, I don't know why I stopped, you are such a clever fella😁


I really appreciate you and your lessons. Ive been trading or attempting to trade for over 5 years now. Lost tons of money, teaching myself through trial and error. Ive been just throwing money at Forex options and futures without really knowing what i was doing, but just hoping that one day it'll just click. So now i sure i am very close to that click where everything seems so unbelievably easy. like Neo seeing the Matrix. problem is now Ive ran out of capital. just like 3 or 4 accounts with a couple hundred in it. im going to consolidate these accounts, and be smarter and more serious with my next steps in trading. watching all these you tubes on " the only strategy you'll ever need" may be where my confusion is coming from. Im sticking with you now. so please keep them coming. i am determined to be a star in this.


Thank you, Henry! Clear, actionable and easy to understand.


Man you've changed my options trading! Way more comfortable after watching & learning from you!


thanks Henry...i have been making a few rolls and have been quite successful...Appreciated.


Hi Henry, can you make a video about minimizing the lost or saving a losing Call or Pul Credit Spread? Thank you!


Wow second half of the video was a life saving content, very impressed ❤
Can you do more videos on credit spreads maybe SPY?


You are a great teacher, thank you, Henry!


That was really good. Can you do one where you roll half an iron condor using RH?


Great video! There are not enough videos on YouTube about rolling and giving visuals. I would just reiterate, that if you roll up you have to have the collateral in there to cover that additional amount. For people with accounts that are not as large that could be a deal-breaker on the roll.


Super stuff rolling, Ive rolled out months to save money, so great reasurance rolling video. Keep up the good work, Uncle Henry....


This is the most important video I've seen from anyone about options. Would love to see more on the subject of managing trades. Thanks much Henry!


Got assigned on AMD a day early! Learned a lot from this video and was about to roll my strike of 119 after it sank to 110 on Friday morning but Thursday night I got assigned. Now I have to fight my way back up doing covered calls. How early should you roll when a stock tanks like this? Was hoping to avoid the big loss.


I sold the same covered call (TESLA) multiple times (1 week expiration) out of the money because I own the underlying stock. I also did not want to have the 100 shares taken, so I sold a deep out of the money CALL but recently TESLA has been very volatile, so each week I find myself in the money. Like I said, I did not want to have the 100 shares taken so I keep rolling out and up at a debit. This week I just decided to close the position and be done with it, so I took another debit loss to keep the shares. What I have learned is pick the stock because selling covered calls on a very volatile stock can actually get you to incur debits with excessive rolling. (I also sell to open uncovered puts and seem to do a little better on these). Thank you for your videos. You are an inspiration! Cheers!


eye opening content, crazy life changing stuff right here. I am in the green for 4 straight weeks now, even with the market going every which way. probably the least stressful way to make some serious returns. just wish i knew all of this sooner. thank you!


thanks for the great info!! love the info!!


Henry you truly have changed my life..thank you


Amazing video! Would it be better to average the option down by buying more contracts or should you just roll to a better strike price ? Or collect a credit ?!


I was having a problem with exits of the Butterflies trades and I used your exit strategy and it worked.
Thanks a million
