Hey DT Why Not Build An ISO And Use Calamares For DTOS?

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On this edition of HEY DT:

0:00 Intro
0:21 You say that you don't care if people use free software or proprietary software...
4:31 How best to set up a window manager so that it doesn't automatically shut off the monitors after 10 minutes?
6:11 Why don't you use 'printf' for ensuring the right amount of spaces ? That 'for' loop is actually ridiculous!
9:04 Could you do this for Alacritty? (neofetch, powerline, colorscripts)
11:10 Can you review FreeDOS?
12:26 Do you have pin-workspaces in the polybar config set to false? That may fix it?
15:30 By default my machine now has nouveau drivers and I need cuda to mine crypto...
17:28 I am just letting you know that I will never use a window manager because I am very happy with GNOME.
18:01 Why make DTOS a build script as opposed to a full distribution, with a Calamares installer etc?
23:03 Thanks to the Patrons.


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I’d love to see you cover FreeDOS, it’s a project that needs more attention. It’s great for old computers and is the best DOS to use in the modern era, because it has FAT32 support and tons of free software included, such as Vim, Emacs, and many games. It’s so feature complete with MS-DOS you can even install Windows on top of it, but they have a couple Free Software GUI’s available.


that first question was very strange to me...


FreeDOS is often needed for doing firmware updates on some pc parts without windows. that is what the manufacturer tells you to use.


I know that scripting suggestions are usually made in good faith, and constructive criticism is always welcome, but it's OK if your script isn't always the most "elegant" or "best" way to do things. It's your script; do what you want with it.


From the FreeDOS Wiki:
Note that many new (2010 and later) computers boot using UEFI, which is not compatible with BIOS. FreeDOS assumes a BIOS, and does not work with UEFI.
Many motherboard manufacturers are replacing BIOS+MBR with UEFI+GPT. UEFI uses a GPT table instead of the MBR. UEFI handles large-sectored hard disks. Hard disk manufacturers are already (2010 and later) coming out with hard disks with large sectors, which BIOS does not handle (they are hard-coded to 512-byte sectors).

I used to use FreeDOS for running IPMICFG (for Supermicro servers), but since a few years it doesn't boot FreeDOS anymore due to EUFI. I now use a Ventoy USB with Linux ISO's on it and reserve a small partition on that USB-drive (which can be set when you transform a USB-drive into a Ventoy stick). I then format that partition with a Linux filesystem (preferably without journaling, like ext2 or f2fs) and write the Linux version of IPMICFG to that partition. Works like a charm!


I agree that FreedDOS has limited applications beyond retrogaming, but it's a cool project and I'm going to second that persons request for you to review it.


If you've got an old computer that can run FreeDOS, then I'd really like to see you review Menuet. It's an OS written entirely in assembly and it has an actual usable GUI, but the most important characteristic is that it fits on a single floppy disk. If you don't want to use real hardware for such a thing, then I guess a VM would work too, but it'd be a lot cooler on real hardware.


Hello DT. I am very glad that you do you in regards to software! I, personally, use a couple of closed-source software titles (specifically Reaper and DaVinci Resolve), but having been a Macinthosh sheep in the past and a lot of years with Microsoft, learned about Linux and became a System Admin and Programmer and did that for over 35 years, I have gone 95% OSS. I am quite an advocate for FOSS now and wish I had found it when I spent a lot of dollars on Apple gear, makes me physically ill to think how much money I could have saved just switching over to Linux in 1990 when I discovered it. Great Video!


DOS is required for ancient machines. Some PLCs are so old, that the development software runs only on DOS. DOS is also used for CNC machines. If you have these old machines, you need DOS or you need to write the Software to control the machine. The first one is obviously easier.


Long live FreeDOS! I enjoy running it (and other DOSes) on my Pentium 166 and similar machines. I first learned programming on DOS, so for me it feels very friendly. Small enough to wrap your mind around but not brutality spartin.


Hey DT, do you have any plans on covering the Hyprland window manager? I know you’re a little iffy on wayland at the moment but after running it for the past month it’s been a very solid experience for me and I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Keep up the amazing videos!


Hey DT, I fully agreed with your vision about install DTOS. Another benefit of doing in that way is thst you can use the archinstaller, clone your repo and performed some changes like software wise, and then install it. Thanks!


I think an ISO is great for running a live environment, but unless you wanted to offer that, there's really no need. An installer script really makes sense to keep from crossing the line and falling into a full time job for maintaining a distro.


DT, I think you can create your own iso for testing and for teaching people. You don't to create a perfect iso, just one for testing with a user agreement.

I'm very interesting in creating an iso image (mainly for me). It can be take more time develop but it's so much easier and quicker the installation.

One arch-based ISO that I recommend apart from ArcoLinux and Xerolinux, is Garuda KDE lite is just vanilla KDE configured with the basic things like terminal prompt, btrfs, grub and drivers.

Now I'm working on my own ISO based on Xerolinux ISO and trying to understand how to implement Calamares installer from a custom local repository.


Can you make a video about "hyperland" window manager and how to get started with it like how you did with awesome


I just want to add that there are some free software which come with a license( an acknowledgement to the creator ) and you have to reference the license when you use the code. For those with no license, you are not obliged to reference the code.

A small story:  during my first programming exam we where asked to search for free software which have license, and reference any one we used. Then it happens that there was a code which I liked but it had no license. I used it without referencing it but I later felt that for the sake of exam I would have referenced it with just the web link.


EZ-Archer does a script install too. Nice thing is you can add or remove packages to suit .


After installing arch just chroot and type
pacman -S nvidia nvidia-utils nvidia-settings
But there are some problems on newer hardware, which you can fix by reading Arch wiki:
Note: 470xx and older drivers may not function correctly on Linux 5.18 (or later) on systems with Intel CPUs 11th Gen and newer due an incompatibility with Indirect Branch Tracking. You can disable it by setting the ibt=off kernel parameter from the boot loader. Be aware, this security feature is responsible for mitigating a class of exploit techniques.


How about a question. Can you cover using samba and winbind to join a Linux mint PC to Windows ad domain? I'm still having a bit of trouble with it. Also, perhaps I can tell you when I'm very happy with a minumly complete edition of my language, pnf, and you could eventually take a look at it's Linux version.


@HeyDT, you didn't take my question posted on your video with Jack. Hopefully you'll take it in your next Q&A. So here it goes again.

Will you ever add a widget like conky or something similar that lists all the basic shortcuts of an window manager? It'll greatly help users who are new to said window manager.
