6 Best NPM Packages

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NPM is littered with thousands upon thousands of packages ranging in scale from something like React to a single JS file. Due to this massive list of libraries, it can be difficult to know which libraries are the best and most useful. In this video I will be sharing my 6 favorite packages. This list will not include massive framework packages like React, Express, Angular, etc. I will only be including small single purpose packages.

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My new favorite JavaScript channel. I used moment for like ever and have never heard of datefns before. Gonna give it a look. Do a list of your 10 VSCode extensions next 😁


Great video!
Makes me feel good, because I've already used every of this libraries)


uuid, date-fns, axios I must tinker with asap. Thanks for the tip braddah.


zero dislike! finally somebody thankful ! gj bro go ahead!


classNames is how Vue behaves out of the box. When you bind to an html element's class, you can pass a string, an object like this, or an array of such objects and/or strings.


4:41: I could've sworn that I read that Fetch is the successor to XHR, and Axios uses XHR under the hood. The one big difference I found is that Fetch isn't 100% complete, yet. For example, there's no upload progress event emitter with Fetch. However, once Fetch is complete, I think we may see Axios eventually transitioning to using Fetch under the hood, although I'm not certain as there may be other factors involved that I'm not aware of. Anyway, great video, I didn't even know many of these exist!


Shelljs, emotion, gulp and lerna are the best I can think of (non-framework)


Hey WDS, would you ever consider doing a video about how you got into web dev, what you learned first, what program was the most challenging for you to learn, what was your next step after you passed the beginner stages of web dev, what was it like building your own web dev projects then getting over that hurdle of figuring out how to solve the bug or issue or implementing the correct code to get the your project working properly on your own using critical thinking and problem solving (not the I gotta go online to finds the answers thing)... or is their a better way to grasp and understand JavaScript better along with php MySQL etc... I like your content and would really what to know your opinion on these topics if that’s ok with you and thanks


Any chance we can get an Axios crash course video? Ive been using it for a while and I get Id say 92% of the functionality but some of the nittier stuff like custom serializing and using the progress events go a little over my head. I havent had need to use these yet but would definitely like to understand them if ever the need arises and your "Crash Course" videos always explain everything so clearly and succinctly.


Good Evening WDS ! Would you still use Axios in 2022 ? Thanks for the vid !


Nice vdo ! can you tell which library is best to retrieve IPV4 address in react project ?


Can you make video on best practices we should follow while choosing npm packages like
Package size, community size and other...??


Oh I moment but datefns looks interesting, thanks 👍


With date-fns, you're talking about all of the things it can do with dates, but can it find me a date? haha 😆

Great video as always. Thanks!


node = dependency hell
moment has been deprecated so yea date-fns


What about purgecss? Found it really handy for cleaning up css (kind of messes up with JavaScript if it holds css selectors instead of the html)


thanks, 3 year later. Do you consider to make a new one updated for 2023?


Why axios special than the got, node-fetch etc?


You know, it's been kind of of pain trying to figure Apollo Server/GraphQL relay styled cursor-based pagination. I was able to get hasPreviousPage and hasNextPage Booleans to return the but the edges.node wasn't returning any data, the endCursor wasn't even coming through .

I've been trying to find a bunch of tuts online and youtube videos to try and piece together what I may be missing. what I did get working was the limit and skip in the resolver, this isn't a paged pagination, just a scrolling one, using the array.length as the value to determine how much to skip with the fetchMore function. In your resolver you should sort data by createdAt in descending order to match the sort order of your Apollo Client cache, otherwise when you create new items, your cache will place the item at the top of the list, and when fetchMore gets the last item in your database, the same item will then render at the bottom of the list, creating duplicate objects of the same ID.


how to upgrade y18n-4.0.0.tgz to 5.0.5 library
