Calculus 2 In Less Than 20 Minutes (Complete Overview Of Integral Calculus)

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So you're gonna be taking Calculus 2 huh? Well in this video, I'm going to be giving you a complete overview of what you are going to be learning in LESS THAN 20 MINUTES.

Calculus 2 is considered to be a tough course by many, so it definitely will be good to get a complete overview of calculus 2 and see exactly what you are going to be learning.

The calculus 2 course, and 100 question video are not out yet, but once they are I will be sure to include the links.

If you NEED the course or the final review video out ASAP, be sure to let me know! I'll hopefully have both out by the end of October.

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I have a good feeling this video will have a lot of views in the future.


I should get a diploma from YouTube considering this is where i'm getting my degree from in reality lmao


In college I minored in math. I took every level they offered in algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and differential equations and made straight A's. I graduated in 1973 from Florida State University. Now I'm 74 and all the math I learned, except for the basics of algebra, has leaked out of my brain. It's true that if you don't use it, you lose it.


POV: your Calc exam is in 19:34 minutes


your playlist on sequences and series were spectacular, short, concise and to the point practically leaving no gaps in the explanation.

Looking forward to using your calculus 3 videos and hopefully if you come out with it, the physics 2 videos.


I've always been shit at Math (advanced Algebra specifically), and I failed calc 1 twice, as I always knew the Calculus steps to solve the problem, but my algebra was bad. I at least got partial credit for showing that I knew the steps to solve the problem, in Calc 1.

Eventually, I moved onto Calc 2, and it was a ridiculously new beast. I still understood the Calculus steps I needed to do to solve the problem (could explain in detail why we were doing what we were doing), but even though I would try to "grovel for points" (which my Physics prof taught me), I'd get awarded 0 points, because I did not get the correct answer. I ended up re-taking Calc 2 3x, failing all 3x, and giving up.

Point being, if you're young and smart enough to be watching this video, make sure that you pay EXTRA attention in Algebra; Algebra is BY FAR the most important aspect of any advanced Math class.

Edit: As an aside, I think it's bullshit to have Calc 2 as a requirement for stuff even like Geology (which is what I was going for), as even Engineer friends of mine have said they just punch input data into a computer... completely blocks people like me (98% in Cell/Molec Bio, 99 in Zoology, 96 in Botany, A's in both Ochem A and B), who are intelligent, love the Sciences, yet are bad at Math, from doing what they love in life.


Polar coordinates are from physics, I’m taking physics 1 for scientists & engineers and the first thing we saw were vectors and they’re components were polar coordinates


I finished calc 1 before christmas with a 99.5%. I’m taking calculus 2 next semester and i’m excited for it!


my final is in less than an hour and i have no idea what we’ve done the whole semester 🙃


Thanks man. I loved math too much so i studied it alone in pandemic. And i was wondering how can i keep improving. Finally i found this after searching alot about calculus videos


Great video man. A suggestion: tell what utility or application the different concepts have.


I actually didn’t think series were that bad. There was a learning curve with them, but once I figured it out, it’s pretty easy. I prefer it over integrals because with integration it is so easy to make a mistake because of all the simplifications you have to do. The problems are longer even if they’re not necessarily harder.


Thanks for making this, its pretty interesting to see what I'll be learning next year


I took calc an and bc in high school, and I’m now taking applied calc 2 but it’s like all review. I want to learn something but don’t know where to look, your channel is a great resource


Thank you! My Calc 2 final is today and I think I feel a little better about going into it :)


Right now I’m doing far better in calculus 2, than I did in calculus 1. Idk why.


Yo, final exam in 4 hours. Need a 34 to pass and a 60 to get accepted to my math degree. I'll come back and tell you guys what happened.


I feel like linking some of your videos to each topic by timestamp would be most beneficial.


Consider the region R delimited by the curve y = C− x^2 and the x axis. Use integration to find the value of C > 0 so that the volume of the solid obtained by rotating R about the x axis is 64√2/15π
Note: Plane sections known to the x axis are circles. Would you help me?


I think your vidoes are great. I was lost for the longest time until I realized what everyone calls Calc 3 is our Calc 2. So I was using the wrong tutorials
