Herding Behavior: How following the crowd leads us astray

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In times of uncertainty, we're afraid, and when we're afraid, we rely upon the herd to guide us. The crowd's guidance can be a useful crutch to lean upon--no doubt--but what happens when we use it too often? What happens when we're just lazy?

Whether or not we’re aware of it, our reliance upon the herd plants the seeds which will influence the stores we shop at, the restaurants we try out, and even the universities we choose to attend.

Video + Sound + Script by Alex Belser.

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The internet seriously NEEDS to learn about this.


The busier a place is, the faster I run. If a parking lot is full I wasn't meant to be there. I can't stand a crowd. That's why I'm watching this to see why people act like herd animals


This video basically summarizes how most people are sheeps who don't think for themselves. This is precisely the reason why I don't have many friends. Most people do what's others do just to fit in and be accepted at the cost of their own dignity and self awareness.


Please know this:
Herd mentality is contagious and is everywhere. People get easily caught up and this makes it difficult in the long run to differentiate your own thoughts from those that is imposed on to you.
You have to be vigilant and that sometimes requires you to go hermit mode as an extreme result.
Herd mentality keeps you bound to an echo chamber and it’s easier to manipulate because it breeds fear.
Herd mentality also is imposed since the day you born and will be till the day you die.
It’s everywhere:
Schools, TV, phone, advertising etc
Individuality is so important especially NOW more than ever. Look around- everyone’s doing the same shxt.
When you’ve been bound to herd mentality you become a prisoner of it and start becoming committed to its way of being because it’s comfortable, any individualism becomes a threat- this is furtherest from the truth, everyone single person here is unique in their own right, people need to bring that side out of others rather than fighting constantly.
You can’t expect everything to change around you if you have a fixed and rigid mindset.
People are so afraid of being alone because then they’ll have to face themselves, and that’s the biggest obstacle in one’s life, mastering yourself. So, they’ll just stick to herd mindset because it’s easier and safe.


I just personally don’t like when people will repeat the same thing over and over and over because everyone else is saying it. It’s like they’re afraid to say what they really think.


If we go against the crowd and are right, we are seldom rewarded. If wrong, often punished.
If we go with the crowd and are right, we squeek by unnoticed. If wrong, we can blame others.

Certainly such behaviour leads to worse results for the whole, but for the individual it is rational for social self-preservation.

Thus, a corrective measure is in order. We as the members of society have the opportunity to praise those who reason themselves into going against the crowd.


That's why isolated people rule this world.


This is exactly why I don't think anything is necessarily "cringe." We made that shit up, and now people follow the crowd just so they're not "uncool."

I will never be a sheep.


The “people “ who are controlling you rather is by fear or pure human desire KNOWS what they are doing. If you are doing what everyone else is doing, you’re doing it wrong!


Doesn't matter if you have facts and evidence. Herd mentality wins everytime if someone challenges their norm. Really is crabs in a bucket. Pathetic


Agree. I only get ambivalent when our tiny pizza store gets flooded. People love to be remembered & cared about. That is what we pride ourself upon. And, as a result, we are flooded with orders.


So this explains that time when everyone was running around buying tons of toilet paper just because everyone was running around buying tons of toilet paper. Which then led to an actual self fulfilled prophecy of the fear around running out of toilet paper lol. Of which you really had to run around looking for toilet paper. Classic. 😆 😂 🤣


I'd just go to restaurant B just to eat in peace and silence.


The example shown is great. That's why I think the best way to open a new store is to secretly pay people to come to your store. This is the most cost-efficient way to advertise your store. Once you already have a bunch of people planted there, all you need to do is let the FOMO kick in and people will start queuing up just because they saw others queuing already.


A true contrarian would, in this case see the advantage of eating at restaurant B. With no people there, one would assume that they will get a higher quality of service and less noise and distraction.. Restaurant B for me!


One thing Covid has taught me is that the herd is most easily controlled by fear.


I think when we are afraid we follow the herd community not for "having guidence", but for feeling secure... if anything unexpected happens...


The proof is that there are only 36, 000 views to this video, after the 14 months we've all just been through. Ignorance is indeed, bliss.


Sheep spend their lives fearing the wolf. Only to be slaughtered by shepherds


As a non-conformist, I conform to the herd when I understand its utility..
