Not In A Hurry - United Pursuit ||With Lyrics||

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Album: Tell All My Friends


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Lord I don’t want to rush on ahead
In my own strength
When You’re right here

I’m not in a hurry
When it comes to Your spirit
When it comes to Your presence
When it comes to Your voice
I’m learning to listen
Just to rest in Your nearness
I’m starting to notice
You are speaking

Lord I want to love like You
I want to feel what You feel
I want to see what You see

Open my eyes, I want to see You more clearly
Open my ears, I want to hear You speak
Tell me your thoughts whats on Your mind
I’ll be your friend, I want to see through Your eyes
Рекомендации по теме

I was Muslim and converted to being a follower of our lLord Jesus Christ..I prayed to God one time with all my heart and asked him to show me if he’s real then Jesus came into my life. The holly spirit is guiding me and I will start preaching in God’s name one day to bring this gift of true love and happiness to less fortunate and lost souls.Amen ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏😇


Hj estava reclamando o dia todo... Questionando que queria comer algo gostoso mas n tinha dinheiro, e fiquei reclamando no meu coração... No fim do dia pela imensa graça de Deus me irmão fez um brigadeiro para nós e eu e meu pai fizemos um hambúrguer...
Nessa hr me vi como os israelitas reclamando para Moisés e não confiando no cuidado do Senhor. A questão que meu coração precisa aprender é confiar Nele e descansar Nele, com a fartura ou não, com doce ou sem... Estar debaixo de Suas asas deve ser o meu maior deleite. Contudo, fiquei muito feliz tbm pelo doce e lanche e sou grato por isso. Queria compartilhar essas coisas com vcs


it’s crazy how i found this song right after i was distracted for so long and lost everything. it’s amazing the signs he’ll show us through other people, songs, and more.


Whoever reading this, God never sends you into a situation alone, God goes before you, He stands beside you, He walks behind you. Whatever situation you have right now be confident. God is with you...|


Can't stop listening 🙏
I'm a Muslim but I want to be christian because of this song
I'm not in a hurry
From north Sudan 🇸🇩
United pursuit 🔥


Dear Lord Jesus, bless everyone who reading this;May they feel YOUR Love & Peace right now in this moment & beyond!Amen 🙏🏽♥️


Esperei com paciência pelo Senhor ; ele se inclinou para mim e me ouviu quando clamei por socorro. Tirou-me de um poço de perdição, de um atoleiro de lama; colocou os meus pés sobre uma rocha e firmou os meus passos. E me pôs nos lábios um cântico novo, um hino de louvor ao nosso Deus. Muitos verão essas coisas, temerão e confiarão no Senhor .
Salmos 40:1‭-‬3 NAA
Vale apena esperar em Deus, pq Ele é fiel! O Senhor sempre agi na hora certa!


I lost God for a very long time, i so sad about that now. but when i listen this song...i feel a desire to follow him again, i pray every day to god. I always ask him if he can give me his spririt☺️i hope he will listen and i hope he gives me his spirit one day! God is love


I'm not in hurry...I'll wait for your perfect time, Lord


"The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”


Just what I needed to hear. God is unfailing. He just wants us to intently listen to him speak life into our lives, our hope and our dreams. God is here to support, love and guide us. I am moved and overjoyed to have come across this message from God. United Pursuit is my fav, you know they consciously try to be close to God. He is our compass, our deliverer. I am praying for many things, God will make all things come true that are good for his child, ME :) I'm not in a hurry Lord, I am starting to notice you are speaking. I will survive my day to day, conquer in your name.


I will wait for Your right timing, Lord. I trust you with all of my heart.❤️


I must have stumbled across this for a reason. I just told myself I am going to learn Portuguese, my wifey is from São Paulo, pray that God will give me wisdom and patience to stick with it! I hoping it brings us closer so we can bond even more. It seems impossible but I know with God anything is possible. Jesus loves you guys God bless.


This song is one of the tools the holy spirit is using to break chains off of my life.


Gente que louvor lindo, vim pela Roberta Vicente .

Jesus ama vcs✝️❤️


Eu me sinto tão bem escutando essa música e olhando para essa imagem. Parece que vou entrar nela e caminhar por essa estrada, sentindo a paz em meu coração, como se eu já estivesse estado aí outras vezes.


Thank you for taking me closer into the presence of God. We all have busy, busy lives and sometimes we might think "God why are you so far away?" But if we could just take a few minutes in those times and praise and worship God, He's still there. He said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you. Lo, I am with you always." It's in those times that we feel He's not there it is because we haven't taken the time to be with Him. Oh, it is such a joy to be in the presence of the Lord. Thanks for sharing. I greatly appreciate it.


This is my favourite song to play when I am running late for church. 😇


I am not in a hurry, but my Endurance comes from you Jesus My Lord and Savior.


I really can relate to this song....typically my life story...slowly slowly its all unfolding beautifully. I'm learning, noticing bit by bit...Lord i thank You for your patience with me.
