CARTA: Wysocka-Human Neural Crest; Varki-Sialic Acid Biology; Polleux-Cortical Connectivity

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1:39 - ”Making Faces: Regulatory Evolution and
Variation in the Human Neural Crest - Joanna Wysocka"
20:18 - ”Multiple Genomic Events Altering Hominin Sialic
Acid Biology Predated the Common Ancestor of
Humans and Neanderthals - Ajit Varki"
37:03 - ”Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Underlying
Human-Specific Evolution of Cortical
Connectivity - Franck Polleux"

The way cells differentiate to eventually form the human brain and all the unique connections that make us human is ultimately the result of processes forged in evolution. Three experts share their investigations into characteristics of the human genome and its changes throughout evolution that make us human. Recorded on 09/29/2017. Series: "CARTA - Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny" [11/2017] [Show ID: 32928]
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Respect to first speaker but oi cringe (speaking voice).
