Blynk 2.0 Getting Started Tutorial, New Blynk App V2.0 with ESP32, setup

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JLCPCB 1-4 layers PCB from $2. PCBA from $0 (Free Setup, Free Stencil)

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Getting started with ESP32

Blynk 2.0 with ESP8266:

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Project Description:
Over the last 3 years, I made several IoT based projects using the legacy version of Blynk “Blynk Legacy” or Blynk 1.0 and the bad news is the Legacy server is going to be completely shutdown on December 31, 2022. So, if you have an older version of the Blynk installed in your cell phone, stop using it because
1. Blynk Legacy platform support has already stopped on May 27, 2021.
2. Blynk Legacy app closed for new user registration on September 5, 2021.
3. It was already removed from the AppStore and Google Play on June 30, 2022, but the Blynk 1.0 continue to work for existing users. So, if you remove the older version of the Blynk then you won’t find it in the AppStore and Google Play. Right now, if you go to the AppStore and search for the Blynk app you will see Blynk IoT.
4. In-app purchases deprecated on September 30, 2022. And;
5. As I have already said earlier the Blynk Legacy server is going to be completely shutdown on December 31, 2022. This means we have to migrate from Blynk 1.0 to Blynk 2.0.

Blynk 2.0 is much more powerful than the legacy version and it maintains the familiar graphical user interface for creating mobile applications and you can also add a cloud dashboard just like Adafruit, Arduino IoT Cloud, Ubidots, Thingspeak, etc.


Amazon Purchase links:

ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Module (My recommendation), more IO pins, improved speed, and supports a Lipo Battery:

12v Adaptor:

LM7805 Voltage Regulator:

470uf capacitor:

DC Female Power Jack:

Female Headers:

1n4007 diode:

10k Resistor:

2n2222 NPN transistor

12V SPDT Relay:

Other must-have Tools and Components:

Arduino Uno, Nano, Mega, Micro "All types of Arduino Boards":

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Super Starter kit for Beginners

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Variable Supply:

Digital Multimeter:

Top Soldering iron kits: "best"

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Jumper Wires:

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Electronics Accessories:

Hardware Tools:

DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I will receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support!

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Electronic Clinic helps the students and other professionals to learn electronics, designing, and programming. Electronic Clinic has tutorials on Arduino, Arduino Nano, Raspberry PI, image processing, gsm based projects, Bluetooth based projects, esp8266 projects, Nodemcu projects, robotics, desktop application designing and programming, PLC, SCADA, RC Planes, Electronics, Power Generation, HMI, and much more. Check my Playlists.

#Blynk2.0 #esp32project #newblynkv2.0
Рекомендации по теме

hi, do you know how to pop up a notification in the blynk app depending on motion sensor?


4 minutes and the video not started
6:20 Lets get


Nice video bro, truly helpful ... The older version is not downloadable and I was just about to learn ABT new version .. ur video is informative brother


bro the port is not found, cant view the port option under tools despite connecting the esp32 into my pc with dht11. HELP!


can you do it with ethernet shield me i tried it but it doesn't work


How to make motion detection and notify in new blynk app


Helpful video - thanks! Could you perhaps add a segment on using the edgent library and method rather than the authorization code option?


How to fix invalid auth token, can u make a video ?


Can you show us the codes? Im having trouble with my device because the values is not printing in the dashboard or in the phone.


Could you send the the link to download the gerber file from for this project so I can order from JLPCB myself? Thanks


When the power is cut off and comes back on, does the lighted LED turn on again?


Really great video's very well explained thankyou. But the background reoccurring music is very distracting and unpleasant. It is not helpful if you are trying to learn.


Is there any option to connect through ble or Bluetooth in new blynk 2.0?


Please make vide new blynk2.0 with esp32 Cam thanks


Виде содержит не перенос проекта на новую платформу! А полная переделка всех проектов на новой платформе. Смысл все переделывать если у вас не стабильности. Все это временно потом опять будете делать переделку на новую платформу в ущерб всех проектов которые делались ранее.
