Charles Finney: Revivalism, Evangelism, and Criticism - Christian Biographies

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Charles Finney is a man of great division. To this day, many debate what precisely he believed and whether it was beneficial or harmful to modern Christianity. In this video, we look at Finney's life and ministry. We also look at why many people disagreed and criticized his work within early Revivals.

Time Stamp:
0:00 Intro
0:44 Early Life
1:48 Studies and Ordination
2:52 Anti-Intellectualism
3:45 Second Great Awakening
5:18 Calvinism
6:11 Preaching
8:48 Rochester New York
9:55 Abolition and Social Reform
12:09 Oberlin College
13:55 Living Legacy

Born in 1792, Finney used his first practice as a lawyer for the rest of his life. After coming to a conversion moment in his life in 1821, Finney turned his attention upon the ministry. Starting his studies under Rev. George Gale, a Presbyterian minister. But the doctrine of the Presbyterian Church did not sit well with what Finney had experienced throughout his life. He believed that the doctrine that they taught was not Biblical or practical for ministry. Nevertheless, he was ordained as a preacher within the Presbyterian Church.

Finney started his ministry at the beginning of the Second Great Awakening (the early 1800s). He got his start in what is known as the "burnt-over district" of New York. After moving from Revival to Revival, he finally made his way to Rochester in 1830. Here he began his largets Revival work as he spent six months day in and day out preaching to the people. Finney's preaching style was very unique, as some say he ran his sermons like a lawyer presents a case to the jury. Focused on bringing facts and emotions to the pulpit, he made the audience decide, either they would answer the invitation into a relationship with Jesus, or they would reject it, there was no middle ground.

Not only was the preaching style very different from most people, but Finney also made social justice movements a significant part of everything he did. Focused on not having divisions, many who attended his sermons were rich, poor, black, white, male, female, etc. But he didn't just push for a breakdown of barriers inside the Church, Finney led movements of Change focused on the outside of the Church as well. From anti-tobacco to prison reform, many movements got their start in the effort Finney put on these things.

Finally, Finney would spend his last years teaching at Oberlin College as first a professor and then as the second president. He brought much criticism over his life, his focus on Revivals, going against Calvinistic doctrine, and not backing down from what he thought was right caused many people to disagree and argue the life of Finney. But this video is here to introduce you to all of these things, and we now ask what you think about his life in the comments below.

-(Book) "Charles G. Finney and the Spirit of American Evangelicalism" July 1996. This resource takes a full look at the life of Finney and offers up a readable, yet scholarly review of the life and actions of Finney.
-(Book) The Second Great Awakening and the Transcendentalists (Greenwood Guides to Historic Events 1500-1900) (Here, you will see a deeper understanding of the Second Great Awakening and Finney's connection with these movements.
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No doubt Finney won many souls to the Lord. Finney was a free thinker whether right or wrong in certain points, he was no clone, I respect him for that. He wasn't about patting the brows of religious leaders of the day. A true hero of the faith, in my books.


This is one of the most balanced overviews of Charles Finney I have seen. Most are critiques based on the makers preferences, rather than just showing what he was about. You are the first one to show that Finney's beliefs transcended the narrow theological labels often tossed around.


I have lived in Rochester, N.Y for 61 plus years, The Flour City of 1803 because of the many mills of that day...Charles Finny of September, of 1830 brought Great Revival to this Region!! God is about to do it again only 10×s Greater OUTPOURING of God's SPIRIT and HIS WORD in MIGHTY SIGNS AND WONDERS AND MIRACLES, ALL THE GLORY GOES TO JESUS CHRIST AMEN!!!


Charles Finney is one of the great Revivalist of his time who had received such revelation & transformation of Christ. He was surely taught by & led by The Holy Spirit of God. He was an honorable man, a godly man who sought The Father’s will & a man who boldly preached the true Gospel of Jesus Christ in the love of Christ. God made this man who he was. All glory goes to God.


He was a great man of GOD one of the greatest Americans, His success in awakening conscience and bringing people to Christ. His great mind. His systematic theology is a wonderful work, unsurpassed. I can only think, criticism of him is mostly through ignorance


Let us
always take the Word of God seriously.


I just found one of his books today... haha.. God is good! I wasn't even looking for this.


It is possible for a man to be greatly used of God and also to have defective views in certain areas. There are many instances in history, and even in the Bible. Finney worked in a time when the Spirit of God was being poured out abundantly, and Finney was instrumental in that great work. His zeal for God and the souls of men was a great example, and God blessed his faith and work. But at the same time he introduced doctrines that were to have unfortunate fruits later on; particularly, the ability of anyone to accept Christ and be saved by simply an exercise of the will. This has led to decisional regeneration, when people are challenged to make a decision for Christ, pray a prayer of decision, and then told they have become Christians. Conversion has become almost a mechanical thing. It has been taken out of the hands of God and put into the hands of man, with sad results. We have become experts in making Christians, but the calibre of Christians so made is far short of those born of the Spirit and bearing the fruit of the Spirit.


We need more Finneys.
Men and women willing to place God above anything or anyone else.

Imagine dropping everything in life, giving everything you are, everything you have to God...pleading with Him
to use never leaving that attitude behind ....


This is a great channel, I have listened to almost every video in one night. Glory to God


Near the end of his life, Finney bemoaned; "I fear I have brought many to temporary repentance"....


I find Charles Finney fascinating. He recognizes the Holy Spirit as his greatest source of qualification, rather than culturally relevant education. He despised that men were preaching to please men of great influence instead of recognizing what the Holy Spirit was bringing true inward faith and fruit through. This gave him unique usefulness to God and also much persecution. We need more men like Charles Finney, a man after holiness, a slave to to Christ and a vessel and vassal for the Holy Spirit.


In the very begining he mentions I and me 4 times in 2 sentences, concerning his acceptance of Christ, which shows a substantial focus on himself. Also focus on his feelings, complete with sensations and adjectives. This area also known as the burned over area was the focus of cult(s) developement of lds fame and horrible doctrine. The fruit of finney's ministry mentioning (false prophets) ellen white, joseph smith, and will miller cultist and occultist is most troubling, these becoming cults of damnable doctrines of demons.


Yes l will agree mr nash and others were key to the power of Holy Spirit out pouring in these revivals....
There were other important keys that were instrumental
When Finney put the emphasis on the individual for his sin and which through the power of Holy Spirit brought deep conviction and deep repentance which was followed up with a Baptism of the Holy Spirit this brought a total transformation which lasted in many who received this..!
Prayer is so important but also the real truth must be preached...


I absolutely love Finney! His experience with the Holy Spirit was almost identical to mine!


This man should be honored. If we decide not to give honor where honor is due surely the men iand women that are presently abiding in Heaven are eternally grateful for having heard the gospel by this servant..


Finney never had an altar call. He had an anxious bench for those who had questions


Charles Finney the man who does anything for God. Those who criticise him does nothing at all. God chosed Finney to accomplish His mission.


The burnt over district was BECAUSE of Finney and his preaching. He didn’t go into the district. He CREATED it.

That’s a major detail worth mentioning. Because even Finney himself became frustrated that his conversions were not leading to changed lives. Though his preaching be so hot; professions be made; yet so many would not hold to the faith and as a result it was as if the areas where he preached became scorched and burned over and the market dried up in time.


Until today, many Calvinists( i call them worshippers of Calvin their pope) are still poisoned by bitterness in their hearts because CGF destroyed their propositions which is their idol!
