Bible Prophecy Update – March 27th, 2022

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Father please grant salvation to our unsaved loved ones and all the unsaved. Deliver those in bondage. Protect us and our loved ones. Guide us Father and us to bear good fruit and plenty of it. Its been so tough lately for so many. So many enemy attacks but you said in your word that the battle belongs to the Lord. Please rise up Lord. We need you. Father please send the Holy Spirit for Jesus' sake. Praise and glory and honor be unto you. I pray in your holy name Lord Jesus. Amen


Without Jesus i have nothing; He's the reason why my heart keeps beating.


Thank you Jesus for saving me and healing these men..thank you Jesus for healing my mom ..thank you Jesus for all things 🙏


My husband 2 weeks ago had a moment like that where the doctors said he won't make it because his lungs were so bad and he was not responding to any treatment at all.So we decided to take him off all medications and take him home to die....we rented oxygen ...put it on him to make him comfortable until....or so we thought...but guess what GOD stepped in and he started getting better and better and today he is a walking miracle.


Yes its the end of the world. And the beginning for believers. Blessings to you Pastor JD. You were gratefully missed. Glad you back .But don't cry I cry also .But your right time is short .We have get Jesus to people and people to Jesus.


Asking prayers for my Tante Frieda who lives in Vienna. . She had 3 injections in Feb. 2021 and had a lot of major health problems after that like liver damage and water in the stomach. She improved with medication, but she has not been the same since. I heard today her health is really failing fast now and she no longer wants to live. My aunt is not a believer, and would really appreciate prayers for her Salvation, while there is still time. . Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. 🙏დ


I cry when you cry Pastor. I cry when I see others cry Pastor.
That's the heart of God when He touches the debt of our soul.
He loves us so very much and His love shines through you.
You are precious in His sight.
Come Lord Jesus! 🙏


Praise God for this testimony! "But God...." I can't wait to meet you all soon. Maranatha!!


I missed you too, Pastor JD!! God bless you, give you health and favor, to continue with the excellent job you’re doing for Heaven Kingdom. 💕


Thank you for healing my sister and bro. I law from covid. My older brother is in stage 4 colon cancer. Please pray for a miracle and salvation


AMEN! Jesus is still the GREAT PHYSICIAN! No aprons or hankerchiefs needed. Just heartfelt prayer! Wonderful testimony by these two men!


Pastor JD please many prayers needed for my younger sister Renee Bennett in Varnville, S. C. After two times with breast cancer she found out, Nov. 9 2021 the day after her 50th birthday, , that she
has stage 4 bone cancer which they say is treatable to add 10 -20 years. She is not doing well. Lots of pain and horrible headaches can't do much or go to work. She has 2 children 14 as 12 her husband is a small farmer. Please requesting many prayers.. But God!!! All Glory to our Lord and Savior! Thank you
Karen Kirby
Online member
with you all for 2 years.


I listen to the uncensored version and I would encourage everyone to do the same. Love your messages and your humorous delivery, even when the subject matter is dark, which is often, given that we're close to the end of the Age of Grace.


So moving... Rejoicing for your reach to the world!! God knows how to pick em... he picked you JD... you have never ceased to touch my spirit.
Also I am happy for your congregation and the miracles they are imparting through prayer and their faith in our dear Lord Jesus Christ.
Please pray for my son... he is not saved. I am holding on to my faith that Jesus will give me my hearts desire...
For my only son to be saved.
And for the rest of this world, I pray the same... that the lost will find Jesus, our savior.


Never be sorry Pastor JD for showing people, especially men, that it is beautiful for a person to show their heart like you did. ❤️❤️❤️


So glad to see you back Pastor Farag, hope you got some much needed rest. You left us in good hands with Pastor Mac.


I feel the Holy Spirit in that place pastor J. D Farag. Beautiful joy in that place. Thanks for sharing with us. Another awesome message.


Thank you Jesus for your healing Hand extended to this family !! PRAISE YOU JESUS!


Thank You, Jesus, for the gift of Salvation.


It's so comforting to hear your preaching! I watch with unbelive at what is happening in the world but lots of joy that we're going home soon!
