Significant Outer Planet Forecast 2025-2028

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#2027 #outerplanets #global

Greetings folks. I have created this video to point out some significant transits I see occurring around the area of time between 2025 and 2028. This video underlines the main points which I see occurring and building up to this significant time.

I plan to talk with some of my fellow astrologers about what this period of time might have in store of the globe and the people on this planet.

NOTE THAT I AM NOT INTO URGENT HYPE. I am an optimist, and I believe the transformation that is possible at this time could bring great positive change for those interest in taking part in creating the world of tomorrow.

Some of the main themes of this significant outer planet forecast include in brief:

-Around 2026 Uranus will have crossed into Gemini (masculine sign), Neptune will have crossed into Aries (masculine sign), and Pluto will have crossed into Aquarius (Masculine sign) in the same area of time. They will be in a tight KITE formation, and will hangout here for a long time.

-Neptune was in a retrograde throughout the 60's until recently, and is finally moving past its sextile ahead of Pluto at the time of this transit.

-Uranus (Initiating) will be ahead, Neptune (Sustaining) will be 2nd, and Pluto (destroying) will be behind in 3rd.

-The Capricorn SOUTH NODE (finishing karma) Solar eclipse of Dec 25th 2019 occurred while Pluto was in Capricorn. It was during this eclipse that motions occurred for the Global pandemic to begin, which transformed the world and caused devastating consequences to the modern infrastructures (ie, Capricorn) of the world.

-In 2027 and 2028 the NORTH NODE (new cycles, initiating new karma) will be in Aquarius (New-world infrastructure) while Pluto is newly transiting there, and there will be Solar eclipses in Aquarius in 2027 and 2028.

-Saturn (Primary ruler of Aquarius where Pluto is) is transiting its debilitation sign of Aries during this time, ruled by Saturn's enemy Mars. Saturn is mute when it is debilitated; it has little strength to provide for the needs of the North node in Aquarius eclipse at this time.

-2028 in particular will have a Solar eclipse occur that is significantly close to the planet Pluto at the early degrees of Aquarius.


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Рекомендации по теме

Dustin, I agree with your assumption that something important will happen in 2027. Either a new pandemic, or some kind of crisis. I checked the charts of family and friends, and many people will be afflicted at that time. So glad I found your channel.


Keep up the good work! (1965 here...)


The Pluto in Aquarius I feel will greatly effect Pluto in Scorpio generation.
I am a early Aquarius sun n south node with Pluto in 11th(Libra) natal . Uranus in 12th (Scorpio)
these next few years are important/interesting time for humanity . But also time of great opportunity. Through difficulty/ crises is when the greatest amount of evolution can take place both in the physical world and consciously.
Thank you .


Love your videos but no expert, maybe as most see the birth of Feminine power as per Aquarius we need the outer planets in male signs to give us some grounding.


If we type "end of the world 2027" on youtube we get lots of videos ... Personally, I don't know what will happen because I cannot even imagine... As a very feminine type, these 3 outter planets in masculine signs are scary, I don't think it can make us any good... But maybe i'm just a big fat chicken and the results can be very positive! which it can, i mean.... why not ?


I'm happy and relieved at the same time that you are spending time and energy to focus on this with other Astrologers🥰
Most important crisis of our time is atmospheric changes and especially important that we are all devote time to understand so that we know how to adapt plan and implememt quickly cuz as humans in charge of taking care of this beauitiful world, there's no more time to waste🌍🌎🌏⏳


Thank you! Visuals are very helpful!


thank you ❤️
I'm curious because north node conjunct Pluto in aquarius will be conjunct to my natal north node in aquarius (6th house) opposition to my natal south node conjunct Mercury in leo (12th house)...🤔🤔🤔 and mercury rules my first house and tenth house.
I'm wondering how can I bring the best out from mercury opposite Pluto, with the nodes involved...
I hope to receive a personal reading from you one day 🙂
I never comment but I like your channel a lot
Love and rock n roll from Italy 💕
