Decentralized Storage, Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Invested into Putting Files on the Blockchain

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Will we be storing our files on the blockchain in the future? Several cryptocurrency projects are aiming to store files on the blockchain and pay YOU for renting your extra HDD space, but do we actually need our files on the blockchain?

Siacoin/Nebulous labs just received 3.5 million dollars of additional funds to continue their development work and their newer goal of becoming a "crypto hulu". Other notable money raises includes Filecoins ICO where they raised over 250 million, yes MILLION dollars to build their decentralized storage platform. Other cryptocurrency projects like opacity OPQ are moving forward with their decentralized file hosting, and more in todays video!


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#Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #Decentralized #Siacoin #Opacity
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Vosk have you heard LBRY is going to be launching their reward program for running the desktop client and offering storage to the LBRY network? I think LBRY Tv has massive potential for growth, especially when ads are implemented later this year. Not to mention being rewarded for renting out your HD space, this could get real interesting as we move to the end of 2020. Filecoin is also launching later this month and could serve as a catalyst for LBRY.


Off topic, but just wanted to show my gratitude. I live in a cave and recently found out about mining and have been highly interested in getting involved. Your channel has been an awesome "one stop shop" so to speak on getting informed and learning some things.


WOW, another interesting topic is chosen by you Vosk. I never touched that topic, besides writing a couple of articles about similar projects. You covered a lot in those 10 minutes so that everyone can decide where to dig deeper or not. Great content as always.


2 hours later bitcoin is about to go below 11000


hey vosk what do you think about the holochain Halo ports would that be something worth looking into maybe you could do a video for us please


I find sia a bit shady in their way of cornering the market with obelisk miners, I get it from a business stand point but to me it goes against the idea of de-centralised. Outside of that I think decentralised storage opens some great possibilities with cheaper online storage, streaming services and p2p content sharing, excited to see what it evolves to in the future.


Hi Vosk, love the channel! Have you thought of covering mining via solar power? I'm a miner with 3 S9's just coming online completely powered by solar energy, so no utility costs! I started with just a cheaper 6x RX580 rig to test the concept and make sure it didn't kill my system. Once that was fine I ordered three S9's which I intend to liquid cool and run only when the sun can power them. What do you think? Cheers, Mike


New to channel. Loved the build guides. Currently mining with one gpu with more on the way. Beam is working great


Internxt X Core and Storj Share V3 network are also a decentralized storage projects each with their own cryptocurrency (NXT and STORJ respectively) but neither is blockchain based.


VoskCoin Official Donation Addresses


Another great video and I'm interested in checking out Opacity. Thx


StorJ currently has 3 Petabyte stored on it's alpha. But it's not blockchain based.


With good professional marketing Sia can be huuuuge.


Yeah Vosk, I agree that mining coins is where its at I just think we need to put more thought and energy into keeping those hashes or whatever math, algos etc. you wanna use just as long as it’s something constructive that way we can justify the energy costs (for now at least until we can get the suppression of all our free energy technologies/ overunity devices to end or someone is smart enough and selfless enough to take their tech and all their notes and do a massive data dump across he globe and on every blockchain available so it cannot be stopped and there’s no point in assassinating the inventor and it’s too late to bribe, buy the patent and shelf it or threaten, frame or blackmail the inventor. Once it’s done it’s done. And the inventor can put his name all over it and the fame and gratitude for the gift to humanity will bring with it plenty of fortune, reverence and boatloads of good karma) anyways ... until that day, we should be only using all that processing power for real benefits like storing data like sia, decoding super math problems (instead of paying financed tax dollars for Amazon and the NSA and CIA to go thru all out data and store it all-because they don’t just keep the meta data, they keep everything!) use it for science projects like major processing power of healing the earth and running simulations of outcomes in creating micro ecosystems to turn the deserts green or clean up the water system. Superdata mining and predictive Modeling and doing the processing for the insurance companies that basically foresee the future using so many data points, decision values and variable trees that branch off into near infinity but we could come up with better swarm logic systems and quantum computing emulators without letting AI get involve and keeping at a more basic machine learning level. Anyways. There’s so many thing we can think of to use it for and even more we can’t think of right now but someone will once they start putting their energy into it and you can make the world a better place while getting rich and helping humanity at the same time. That’s the kind of mining we need and we can just keep certain projects meant for certain types of miners be it GPU, SIA, CPU, ASIIC, etc.


I think privacy would be an issue when storing personal files on the blockchain


am a Go Decentralise Storage rather Than Storage Cloud service by Traditional Centralised Companies. MAKES SENSE


I think siacoin has good potential. :-)


Cajutel is best-performing Coin of this Month, The best coin with solid base and team, loaded with staking benefits like best Dividend in Crypto and ever-increasing prices!


The actual storage functionality isn't built into the blockchain? how is this any different than any other storage vendor that accepts cryptocurrency?


Hello sir, I am planning to start mining. I have planned to start with GRN1
any pros and cons that you can suggest.

My intention is to mine BTC.

Will wait for you reply.
