La Card - Jedno zbogom za tebe 1985 (Complete)

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Great song from this new wave act from Yugoslavia.
There is a translation for the song (for now in spanish only) just activate the captions.
Hope you like it.
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Thanks to all of you for your comments and subscriptions.


It was an amazing song!I used to listen it from a very young age because my dad was the synthy boy from this band, and we always listened this song together while he told me stories about the Jugoslav life


shy keyboard guy sitting on the floor is a whole new mood <3 love this song


ENGLISH TRANSLATION (May sound stupid and is translated quite literally but that's the song. It's really beautiful if you know Serbian.'' Honestly this song is about love, but when i think about it, it almost sounds like it's about breakup of Yugoslavia, even though it is written years before it happened.

You and I were once together
An entire world was right ahead of us
And now it's the time to finally say goodbye
Because everything has come to an end.

People used to say
That our love is great
But the end has come
and one goodbye for you

One goodbye for you
One goodbye, for you, you
One goodbye for you

You and I used to love each other crazily
Everyone really knew that
The nights were only for us
A silk blanket and summer stars

And now you say that you hate me
But you better be careful
Because there is only one step
From hate to love.


As the last one who was about to join the band shortly before they parted I have copied my comments from another post of this song and I hope it will shed some light on what happened and answer some of the questions I have been asked in the meantime. So here it is:
Posted about 2 years ago:
"Once again we salute all off you nice ppl out there and we thank you for your love & support! Unfortunately as you could see we haven't started again. There are two reasons for this: first is the female vocal, we insist of having exactly the same voice that Biljana had because it was at least 50% the reason La Card sounded so good (and no, it is not Biljana from Bistrik). We have tried to find her after all these years, but unfortunately despite all the efforts we couldn't, there was no one to help us and eventually point us at the right direction, simply put - we have no idea where she is now! No other female singer we met in the meantime had not even close vocal as she had :(. Second, and more serious reason is this unfortunate turn of worldwide events and the disaster that we all still have to wait to pass before trying to eventually find the appropriate singer again. We still keep our hopes alive and now we wish you all health at first, at this moment that is the most important thing. Stay safe everyone, wherever you are! Love from remaining La Card team.

Edit Oct 05 2022: there have been more comments since my last addressing to all of you guys out there so I felt the need to thank you all once again and probably for the last time... La Card will most definitely never come to life again. From the original line-up two members are no longer among us (Valdek & Ljuba), main programmer Bora lives and produces in London, lead vocal Biljana is in somewhere in Canada (so I have been told). I forgot the name of the last guy but nevertheless I have no idea where he is either. As the last one who was supposed to take place in the band I was about to go on with another new guy (Buda) and with a potential new singer but finding the same vocal is next to impossible and we did not want to go with another since Biljana sounded so unique. Also there was a problem with copyrights since no one from the original band is available to pass those to us. Either way we are happy there is so much of you out there, worldwide, who like La Card and it will live as long as you do share your love for us. The final answers: no, unfortunately we have no studio versions of any songs, nor instrumental versions, no, we have never recorded a real album and no, there are no more songs available to post here except "volim" which is already on YT.
If by any chance someday we make La Card the way it was meant to be be sure you will know about it!
Thank you, stay safe


Eighties really were the best, it's always good to have memories about the music of that period, among a few other pop cultural things... 80s 4ever!!!


Premalo ljudi je slušalo takvu glazbu da bi band uspio. Za mene koji sam odrastao na Depeche Mode ova stvar je


Genialer SYNTHPOP, 1985!!! Geheimtip für alle Synthyfans.


Kto od Motobiedy? Поздрав из Пољске/ Pozdrav iz Poljske :)


I just discovered this band and absolutely love thier sound!


I really love it
Greetings from Chile


2021 is the new 1981! Thanks for uploading this 'pal. Greetings from Santiago, Chile!

Long live Yugoslavia and its history! 🚩🚩🚩


Једно збогом за тебе (Jedno zbogom za tebe)

Ти и ја смо некад били заједно,
пред нама лежао је читав овај свет.
А сада треба рећи коначно збогом,
јер свему је дошао крај.

Људи су некада говорили
да љубав наша је велика.
А ето дошао је крај
и једно збогом за тебе.

Једно збогом за тебе,
једно збогом за тебе, тебе,
једно збогом за тебе.

Ти и ја смо се волели лудо,
то су знали стварно сви.
Ноћи су биле само за нас
прекривач од свиле и полетне звезде.

И сада кажеш да ме мрзиш
али добро чувај се ти,
јер само један је корак
од мржње до љубави.

Једно збогом за тебе,
једно збогом за тебе, тебе,
једно збогом за тебе


A sad love song..But the saddest thing is, you can relate it to Yugoslavia - from love and progress, to hate, war, and ultimately decline in every part of society. I hope one day, atleast us, young people, will forget about history and of things that our grandfathers and fathers did, and act as human beings and brothers. No one will help our peoples but ourselves..Some will say it is not our fault, big players messed up our country - perhaps they did, but with out hate we allowed it to influence us, we allowed it to divide us. Seven countries, mostly same language and culture, and I need a God damn passport and pair of eyes on the back of my head..It's just sad really.


Hvala za upload, La Card je odličan!! Veliki pozdrav! :))


Volio sam ovakvu muziku kao djete, ali ovo remek djelo prvi put čujem i odlična je. Suuuuper.


Nisam to prije cula i drago mi je da sad jesam.Jednostavno odlicno


Ti i ja smo nekad bili zajedno 
pred nama lezao je citav ovaj svet 
a sada treba reci konacno zbogom 
jer svemu je dosao kraj 

Ljudi su nekada govorili 
da ljubav nasa je velika 
a eto dosao je kraj 
i jedno zbogom za tebe 

Jedno zbogom za tebe 
jedno zbogom za tebe, tebe 
jedno zbogom za tebe 

Тi i ja smo se voleli ludo 
to su znali stvarno svi 
noci su bile samo za nas 
prekrivac od svile i poletne zvezde 

I sada kazes da me mrzis 
ali dobro cuvaj se ti 
jer samo jedan je korak 
od mrznje do ljubavi 



Does internet have some information about this yugoslavian music band(La card)?


Brilliant! Thanks for the translation.
