Farmhouse Pantry Reno Part 4

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We made so much progress on the pantry! We are so close to being completely finished with the walls. As soon as we get more material we will finish the walls and ceiling and be ready for paint.



Thank you for joining us on our journey as we restore our forever farmhouse and begin our homestead!

DISCLAIMER: Some links may be affiliate links meaning I make a small percentage of qualifying sales at no extra charge to you.

DISCLAIMER: My husband and I recently bought a neglected 34-acre farm with several barns, buildings, and a two-story farmhouse. Our plans are to restore the farm and farmhouse to its former glory all while adding our own individual style and design. We decided to vlog the entire renovation process for our own personal records and for future generations. We are in no way experts in renovating nor do we claim to be professionals. All Lewis Acres Homestead videos are for entertainment purposes only. We recommend you always consult professional experts when completing any home renovations and wear proper protective gear.

I am not a professional I am only sharing what I have learned and my opinion.
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So exciting to see this really taking shape!!! Nice work!


I enjoyed watching the process of this! Thank you so much for sharing your journey! ;) :)


Omgoodness your pantry is going to be awesome, in our last cabin we had a root cellar under the kitchen floor and you are right about the stairs. We ended up building a ships ladder and it worked good for us. But your cellar might be taller than ours, it was easy for us to pass things down to the person who was down there, I also used a basket to carry stuff up and down. We also put a rail so I had something g to hold on too. Anyways, your place is really coming along. Great job guys 🌷🇨🇦


I sure know what you’re going through renovating while you are living there. We live my my husband’s grandfather’s old house. Which was started in 1908 and finished in 1910. There is an outside caboose which goes into the cellar which was a dirt floor and hubby dug it out and poured cement. The only way to the basement inside was a very small trap door. We decided to go under the stairs and piewedged a staircase to go down to the basement. We covered up the the small trap door and piewedged stairs to the attic above the kitchen. Been here since 1994 and still renovating. You’re right, nothing is level or square and we put wedges under furniture so they’ll be level, but we love it! You’re right, prioritize because the hay in the canning is gotta get done. The farmers old saying gotta make hay when the sun shines.


That's going to be such a nice panty, so much more room. You'll be able to get it more organized and stocked up than the little original one. The original one was cute but with how you can and preserve, this one make so much more sense. I love bead board, I think it's a great choice for this area. Very nice!


white will keep it light...and look bigger...I'd do white in the pantry...great progress.


My home place had a cellar. You could access it from outside or inside. From the inside, it had wooden steps just like going down into a basement. The steps weren’t real steep. I’ll never forget that clay smell. We use to play down there some. Never thought about mice or snakes. 😂 My mother put all her can goods down there and of course potatoes and onions. The oil furnace was also down there. I like the wood paneling. Have you thought about staining it. It has a pretty pattern in it on video. You all are such hard workers and so patient. Wishing you luck.


You are going to have a very nice pantry😊😊😊


Cannot wait to see it completed! Also, we're living parallel lives with canning dominating our days. ☺


You’re doing an amazing job. You’re very fortunate to have family that is helping you and Ben. One of my former homes had similar access, as what you’re doing, to the basement. Except, the hinges were inside, like a cabinet. It had a small area approx. 2”x2” inches that was carved a bit lower than the rest. In this carved out area there was a brass ring to pull the door out. Basically the ring was somewhat hidden, it wasn’t sticking out.
Can’t wait to see the final result.


We live in a over 100 yr old house but has always been kept up, we have done a few projects too. It's never easy.


Everything is coming together nice! It will look beautiful when your through!


Totally get the stairs situation. Our house is 100 plus years old and our steps are the same.


Looking good. Can't wait to see the finished pantry.


Cellar stairs are just weird. It’s usually more ladder like with a crappy hand rail. Yours looks pretty GOOD to me.


P.s. would like to see your canning process if you have time to film it.


It's probably too late but trace around the wall, unscrew the hinges and lift the wood up from that end without cutting or removing the wall panel.


Could you all dig outside to make an opening to the cellar


Howdy, have been binge watching. Another You tube channel I watch has a play list on a 1840 cellar/Larder
